Elwynnese Instrument of Government 1730-001

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Instrument of Government for the Establishment of a Regime of Auxiliary Labour Service
Palace of One Thousand Columns
Decreed by Jahangir Khan
Extent Elluenuueq
Set before Council 12.V.1730 AN

The Instrument of Government for the Establishment of a Regime of Auxiliary Labour Service was a law of Elluenuueq on 20.V.1730 AN. It instituted a compulsory civilian auxiliary labour service to support the realm of Elluenuueq during a period of escalating tension between the Benacian Union and Shireroth.



The act mandated that all able-bodied Elwynnese men between the ages of 16 and 60 had to register for potential conscription into an auxiliary labour force. Even those deemed unfit for regular military service were still required to be available for auxiliary duties.

The Commissioner of Internal Affairs was tasked with maintaining rolls of all eligible men and assigning them to labour assignments as deemed necessary by military authorities. Conscripted men could be sent anywhere within the realm to perform tasks including:

  • Air raid protection and civil defence;
  • Construction and fortification work;
  • Agricultural labour;
  • Armaments and munitions production;
  • Other support roles for the State Guard of Elluenuueqm

The edict allowed for the forced evacuation and relocation of families if their homes were required for military purposes. It prescribed harsh penalties including imprisonment and forced labor for conscripts who failed to answer call-ups or deserted their assigned duties. Anyone assisting labour deserters also faced punishment.

The Commissioner for Logistics was granted authority to issue further guidelines and regulations for organising and administering the auxiliary service.


The Instrument enabled the Humanist regime to compel civilian labour on a massive scale during the final years of peace on the continent, as the Benacian Union levied an increasing portion of the Elwynnese labour force for Benacian Union Defence Force and the burgeoning war industries of the Union-State. It reflected the willingness of the Humanist coordinated state to make extreme demands of the civilian population of the Harmonious Society. The act moreover represented one of the most radical mobilisations of civilian labour in the years since the Second Elwynnese Civil War.


By decree of the Szodan of Elluenuueq, the following is proclaimed:

1. All men between the ages of 16 and 60 are subject to compulsory auxiliary service for purposes of national defence and maintaining public order and security.

2. The Commissioner for Internal Affairs shall maintain labour rolls cataloguing all men fit for auxiliary service duties. Those unsuited for service in the State Guard, due to age or condition, shall still be required to register.

3. Men called up for auxiliary service shall be employed as needed in roles including air raid protection, construction/fortification work, agriculture, armaments production, and other tasks in support of the military.

4. Conscripts may be assigned to service anywhere within the Realm or occupied territories as deemed necessary. Families may also be evacuated from their homes to make way for military operations.

5. Failure to answer a call-up or desertion from assigned service shall be punishable by prison sentences or forced labour assignments. Abetting deserters will also be subject to penalties.

6. The Commissioner for Logistics shall determine and publish specific guidelines and regulations for the organisation and administration of the auxiliary service.

All subject shall dutifully comply with the provisions of this Instrument for the greater good of the Elwynnese Realm. Disobedience will be met with severe punishment.