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Bjørn Hendriksson

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Bjørn Hendriksson
Physical information
Species Human
Gender Male
Biographical information
Date of birth 1637
Service/branch Home Guard, Constancian Army

Bjørn Hendriksson, born 1637, double national of Shireroth and Constancia. Firstborn and eldest son of the esteemed Garvin Hendriksson. Mother is an unknown Constancian woman. Educated well, graduated Euran University in Vey in 1659 with a degree in history from Euran University, minoring in political economy. Received reserve commission as an infantry lieutenant on graduation for cadet service. Service in ESB Benacia as intern and later, management trainee. Worked in Teldrin for a time. Granted leave in the course of events after the onset of the Second Euran War. Assisted the Royal Constancian Embassy in Shirekeep, called to active duty and promoted to Ypolochagos (First Lieutenant) and appointed Assistant Military Attache. Returned to ESB service in Teldrin in 1664 to work as executive assistant of his father. Fathered a child, Astrid Osbjorn, with Eireene Roshene, a college student, in 1665. Married Eireene Roshene in 1666. Resigned from ESB and migrated with family to Aqaba on his father's appointment to the Imperial Senate in 1667, serving as chief of staff. Daughter Sophia Hendriksson is born in 1668. Resumed service with ESB, serving under the Euran Directorate in 1669.