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Benacian Institute of Physical Culture

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Benacian Union Benacian Institute of Physical Culture
Logo of the Benacian Institute of Physical Culture
Founded 2022
FMF affiliation 2022
WMFA affiliation 2022

The Benacian Institute of Physical Culture, headquartered in Merensk, is the governing body for sport in the Unified Governorates of Benacia. It is responsible for the organisation of the nation's football team

The Institute was founded to supersede the UGB Bureau of Sports in 1711 AN as a chartered body of the Benacian Academy with a remit throughout the Union-State.

With the dissolution of football in the Unified Governorates, the Institute lost a large measure of its remit.

During 1730 AN1733 AN the institute would begin participation in a series of clinical trials, overseen by the Benacian Academy, investigating the impact that microdosing Lyserium would have on athletic performance by sportsmen and women of the Union-State.