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Sophia Hendriksson

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Sophia Hendriksson
Physical information
Species Human
Gender Female
Biographical information
Date of birth 1668
Service/branch Home Guard, Constancian Army

Sophia Hendriksson, born 1668, double national of Shireroth and Constancia by virtue of birth to the esteemed Bjørn Hendriksson. Granddaughter of Garvin Hendriksson. In 1683, joined the Aqaba chapter of the Nationalist and Humanist Youth Organization. Enlisted (by operation of law) in the Home Guard on her 18th birthday (1686) as an ordinary Sarbaz (Soldier).

Educated in Euran University as daughter of a senior ESB official, graduating in 1690 with a degree in Management, with a minor in Workforce Psychology. Interned under ESB Sports, and hired as a Junior Associate in ESB Concepts in 1692. Promoted to Associate in 1693, and Senior Associate in 1694, with concurrent promotion to Ypolochagos (First Lieutenant) in the 1800th (Daniel Dravot) Brigade. Promoted to Account Manager for the Chicken King Eura master franchise in 1695.

On 2.X.1698, relieved of ESB tasks and called to active duty with the rank of Lochagos (Captain) in the Imperial Guard, created military aide to her father the Sarlashkar (Major-General), and became Chief of Staff upon further appointment of her father as Governor-General of the General Government of the Occupied Territories. Promoted to Tagmatarchis (Major) in the 1800th (Daniel Dravot) Brigade and transitioned to civilian post as Chief of Staff to the civil Governor of Greater Molivadia and Shahzamin on 3.XIII.1698.

Confirmed to be in a long-term relationship with Ryan Saunders as of 1700.

Appointed Governor of Shahzamin on 1.I.1710 vice her father, who was elevated as Chief of Staff to the new Mesazon, her grandfather, Garvin Hendriksson.