Zeed Directive 1

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Zeed Directive 1

This Directive proclaimed the formation of the occupation government, established the Military Government of Zeed, and demanded strict obedience and compliance to its instructions.



Zeed Directive 1

WHEREAS Article 18 of the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City provides that, "Hostilities between the Raspur Pact and the Revolutionary Government of Rusjar shall cease from midnight, local time, on 24.IX.1701 AN" and

WHEREAS Article 1 of the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City provides that, "There shall be an immediate demobilisation of all formations and personnel associated with the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Revolutionary Government in Rusjar"

WHEREAS Articles 13 of the aforesaid Armistice provides that, "An appointed deputy of the High Representative of Trans-Euran Command shall be attached to the Revolutionary Government in Rusjar to safeguard Pact interests and to supervise the establishment of a Transitional Government" and

WHEREAS Articles 16 of the aforesaid Armistice provides that, "The Revolutionary Government in Rusjar shall reconstitute as a Transitional Government that is fundamentally nationalist and humanist in its essential character"

LET IT THEREFORE BE KNOWN that the entire governance of Zeed is now subject immediately to the absolute authority of the Raspur Pact, as personified by the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary, in accordance with the laws of war and the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City

and I therefore promulgate the following:

1. The Union of the Republics of Zeed no longer exists as a political entity. Sovereignty of Zeed as an militarily-occupied territory is now vested in the Raspur Pact, which has delegated the exercise of its powers, in accordance with the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City, to the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary.

2. Command of all troops of the Raspur Pact within the borders of Zeed are now vested in the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary until otherwise directed by the High Commissioner of the Raspur Pact.

3. The senior-ranking Raspur Pact officer present in the jurisdiction of the presently-constituted local government entity shall serve as military governor of their district, responsible for maintenance of law and order. until otherwise directed, and subject to the command and direction of the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary.

4. The records and property of the former instrumentalities of national and local government of Zeed, as well as of the former armed forces of Zeed, shall be preserved and safeguarded by Raspur Pact military forces. Accounting of these shall begin immediately under the direction of the military governor and reported to the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary. Looting by civilians or other personnel shall be dealt with severely. Arrest and immediate imprisonment of malefactors by the military governor is authorized.

5. The Constitution of Zeed is repealed. The previous national and local laws of Zeed shall remain in force until otherwise directed.

6. The seat of national government remains at Rusjar.

7. The residents of Zeed are required and commanded to provide full respect and absolute obedience.

8. State enterprises are now governed by the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary and are directed to immediately provide a report on their financial and operational condition. Commercial enterprises are permitted to operate. The Zeedic ruble continues to remain a valid currency for all public and private debts.

9. The borders of Zeed are immediately and absolutely closed to emigration by the residents of Zeed. Raspur Pact nationals and nationals of nations duly recognized by Raspur Pact nations shall be permitted to leave without hindrance. Entry to Zeed is therefore immediately closed to non-Raspur Pact nationals unless otherwise specifically permitted by the High Commissioner of the Raspur Pact or the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary. Nationals of nations not otherwise recognized by Raspur Pact nations that are presently in Zeed are subject to immediate house arrest and the protection of the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary until otherwise directed. Diplomatic personnel in Zeed, as well as the property and personnel of the Hurmu–Zeed Friendship Society are not to be harmed.

10. This Directive takes immediate effect on the date of signature. The military governors are directed to cause the public announcement and posting of this Directive over the next ten days, as well as its immediate enforcement.

Given at the former Presidium building, Rusjar, this 1st day of the Xth month of the year 1701 AN.


See Also