Tales from Kalgachia - 14
Xantus Yastreb slid from beneath the arm of his newlywed wife Ilessa, stumbled out of bed, and staggered to the door of his chambers which emitted a gentle but persistent knocking. With a pull of the delicate golden doorknob, the polished teak swung aside to reveal an immaculately attired Nezeni functionary with a suitably apologetic expression on his green-tinted face.
Xantus squinted against the bright lamp sconce across the hallway. "What do you want at this hour, Neren?" he croaked.
"Forgive me, brother Chairman," said Neren. "Our brothers responsible for Defence, Education and the Tumultuous Wastes have requested that the Council convene."
"What, now?"
"Yes, brother Chairman."
"Alright," sighed Xantus. "Summon the others. I'll be there in five minutes."
"It will be so, brother Chairman." Neren bowed and scuttled off down the hallway. Xantus closed the door, crossed the room and threw open the doors of his wardrobe.
"What is it, Goldie?" Ilessa's voice croaked sleepily from the bed.
"The Council are convening," said Xantus. "Education, Defence and the Tumultuous Wastes. Sounds important if they're calling it at..." he looked at the clock on the wall, "...two hours of the morning." He shook his head. "It had better be important, anyway."
"Education, Defence and the Tumultuous Wastes..." said Ilessa. "That doesn't sound like a good combination."
"That's for me to worry about." Xantus threw a verdant silk robe over his head. "Try and get back to sleep. I should be back by the time you wake up."
By the time Xantus went to the door again, Ilessa was sitting up in bed and lifting the tresses of violet hair out of her eyes. She was never one to take orders from him, but he liked that.
The entire Council of Perfecti was already assembled and they jumped to their feet as Xantus swept into the chamber. He surveyed the reflections of their faces which ringed the polished granite tabletop, then motioned for them all to be seated. "I gather this session has been called by our brothers responsible for Education, Defence and the Tumultuous Wastes," he said. "On an important matter, I would imagine, so let's dispense with the ceremony. Who will begin?"
The member responsible for the Tumultuous Wastes rose to his feet. "With your permission, brother Chairman."
Xantus nodded assent, and the member for the Tumultuous Wastes cleared his throat.
"Brothers, some seven hours ago my Directorate came into the possession of a gravtank maintenance log from one of our assets at Red Bear LLC, the content of which has certain implications for Project Neaptide. I have this document in my possession..." he flipped open a briefcase and removed a white slip of paper, the lower half of which was covered in a reddish-brown stain.
Xantus squinted. "Is that... blood?"
"It is, brother Chairman," said the member for the Tumultuous Wastes. "And sacrificial blood at that. The Shirerithian authorities have caught on that affiliates of the Konkordskaya Bratva at Red Bear aren't all taking surplus photocopies home to line their cats' litter boxes. We have repeatedly instructed our assets abroad to be more creative with their cover stories, but laziness is a powerful drug. Our asset has paid for such an oversight with his life. I ask this Council to remember his sacrifice for Kalgachia, and ask our brother responsible for the Church to commend his soul to the Garden Ketheric."
"Gladly done," said the member responsible for the Church of Kalgachia. "But the document still came into our possession?"
The member for the Tumultuous Wastes nodded. "Courtesy of a second asset who witnessed the Imperial Marshals waiting for our first asset at the factory gate, at the end of his shift. Told us they were of a mind to cudgel first and recover documents later... this document fell to the ground and our second asset was able to slip away with it while the Marshals were busy bashing the first asset's skull into the sidewalk. I suppose his subsequent death saved him and us from the implications of an interrogation, but it's never nice to lose a loyal asset. We have a finite number of them, you know."
"But this second asset..." said the member for Education and Outreach, "...his cover is intact?"
"As far as we know," said the member for the Tumultuous Wastes. "But worth little at the present time. The incident spooked him rather badly. After he gave us this document he refused to assist us any further... told his handler that all the Kalgarrands in the world are of no use to a dead man. He's not made contact since."
"One wonders if the Marshals acted with that outcome in mind," said the member responsible for the Prefects. "Why investigate when you can intimidate?"
"Quite," said Xantus. "It fits the creed of the Mango Archon well enough. All we can do for now is make the most of this document and hope our asset finds his courage again. Until then... perhaps we can see the document? I've never been dragged out of bed for a single piece of paper before."
"Of course, brother Chairman," said the member for the Tumultuous Wastes. He passed the document around the table, some recipents pouting and humming at it while others shrugged and scratched their heads. The member responsible for Defence passed it on without reading, having seen it already. In time it came to Xantus, who studied it with steady golden eyes.
"Eliminate the man, and you eliminate the problem"
GV(SPG)-2 Jabberwocky, Serial No. 0144
Imperial Government of Shireroth
Legio XXVIII Schumacher, Imperial Army
Reason for Return:
Periodic misalignment of gravipolar gimbal from Micran core (between 0.001° and 0.003°) causing marginal levitation bleed and slow descent toward terminal velocity. Geodetic correction system responds per design but experiences vibration issues after around 5 seconds, becoming severe after around 12 seconds and spreading throughout vehicle. Propulsion unit telemetry attached.
Further Notes:
Problem occurred intermittently at durations between 5 and 15 seconds over period of 32 minutes during patrol of ungoverned country adjacent to Kalgachi border. Two crew members placed on medical leave with vestibular disturbance, slight hearing loss and symptoms of mild concussion due to excessive vibrations. Vehicle suspended from operational service. Attempts to remedy fault at Imperial Army field maintenance depots unsuccessful - returned to factory. Vehicle required back with parent unit ASAP - to be shipped immediately on completion of repairs.
Result of Inspection/Action Taken:
Unable to replicate cited faults at workshop or proving ground. Multiple hairline weld fractures found in both rear electrical system ventilation ducts (segments A6L/A6R - Particulate Filter Manifolds) - ground and re-welded in full. Referral of propulsion unit to Engines and Turbines Division deferred on account of fault disappearance and Western Benacian operational tempo - vehicle passed fully functional and returned to operator.
Conductor of Works:
Engineers #11030 and #10646 + 1 apprentice (swing shift)
Passed/Held/Failed By:
Supervisor #219 (PASS)
There were more details below, but there the photocopy's faint print was obscured by a sea of dried blood. The document was passed on until the member for the Tumultuous Wastes had taken it back and returned it to his briefcase.
"I may be misreading the technical language," said Xantus, "and I know it seems to suggest that Project Neaptide is yielding fruit, but can we be sure it isn't a coincidence? Given the sheer amount of gravtanks being put in the field these days, one has to expect a few breakdowns. Especially while they're upgrading the fuel sources."
"We can rule out coincidence," said the member for Defence, the brass buttons of his uniform shimmering as he spoke and suggesting he had been awake for more than long enough to smarten himself up. "The timestamps on the document's telemetry log are a perfect match for the log of the last Neaptide test. Make no mistake, brother Chairman. The technology works. This document proves it."
"Remind me," said Xantus, "did our test personnel report any effects?"
The member for Defence shook his head. "They didn't," he said, "but they couldn't anyway. They didn't have the thing turned on for long enough. My orders. We can't have them compromising themselves at this stage. The good news is, they won't need to run the risk of testing on a hot target any more. On a theoretical level we have all the proof we need. We have our fallen asset at Red Bear to thank for that."
"But I would advise this Council against too much excitement at the present time," said the member for Education. "We still need to miniaturise the thing so it doesn't need mounting on an articulated truck. Stripping it down to pack-horse size is a long way off, let alone finding a way to transport all that molten lead."
"What about the prototype without molten lead?" said the member for Defence. "The flywheel array?"
"Even worse in an invasion scenario," said the member for Education. "Harder to change the resonance frequency on it, you see. Every time a new type of target showed up you'd have to de-energise the magnetic bearings, take the thing apart and re-space the weights. With the molten lead variant you just tweak the oscillator on the peristaltic pump. It can tune between different pulse modulations without dipping below hypersonic flow rate."
"Speaking of oscillations," said the member for Defence. "Do I have the Council's permission to report this development to Colonel Shumyanov? For a whole year I've had half the Special Purpose Regiment out in concealed observation posts in the ungoverned Green, recording the sounds of passing gravtanks to get their resonance fingerprint. Truth be told, the good colonel is a little annoyed at the committal of his valuable operatives for no discernible result. He might be cheered up with news of our progress."
"Any objections to this?" said Xantus, looking around the chamber. There were none. "Very well, brother-in-arms," he said. "You may inform the colonel. And give him our condolences on the loss of one of his Bratva. If our Mishalanki assets had not enjoyed the benefit of his expert training, they would not be in a position to assist us today." He cast his eyes to the other side of the table. "In light of these developments, I must ask our brother responsible for Economic Planning if allowance can be made for extra resourcing of Project Neaptide."
"Well," said the member for Economic Planning, "the project already uses a great deal of the DEO's allocation. Extra resources can be found, but they would entail the shrinkage of other parts of that Directorate."
"But you know my Directorate cannot afford shrinkage, brother," said the member for Education. "We're running lean for Project Neaptide's sake already. Every physics faculty in Kalgachia is contributing to it as a priority, whether they know it or not."
"But extra resources are not a luxury," said the member for Defence. "Quite aside from developing Neaptide for field use, the moment its purpose is discovered, work will begin on countermeasures against it. We will need to prepare countermeasures against those countermeasures, and so on."
"Can you not just stockpile anti-gravtank missiles as a contingency?" said the member for the Prefects. "Equip the Church partisans with them, perhaps."
"If Project Neaptide is to be viable," said the member for Defence, "it must be resilient to countermeasures. Otherwise there is no point continuing with the project at all. We need to remember who we're up against here. As far as R&D and engineering goes, there's nothing they don't have. Not a damned thing."
"Countermeasures or not," said Xantus. "We would be wise not to limit ourselves to a single solution for the gravtank problem. I am in favour of finding extra resourcing for Project Neaptide for as long as it continues to produce results. If our brother responsible for Economic Planning cannot marshal those resources, perhaps the Church can assist? Even the smallest tithe increase in each Parish would cover the cost."
"In principle, brother Chairman, yes," said the member for the Church. "But what of the precedent? If we pump up the tithes for this project, what is to say you wouldn't have us fund all kinds of other things? For all the people's piety, brother Chairman, the inhabitants of our parishes are loyal to this Council because they live well. The wealth and charity of the Church secures the consent of the governed, and I am wary of interfering with this dynamic."
"Holy brother, we are not asking you to fund new carpets for our chambers," said the member for Defence. "Nor would we expect you to do so. But this is a matter of national security. If we neglect it, all of your well-tended little parishes will eventually be sending their tithes to Shirekeep."
The member resposible for the Church sighed. "I suppose I can look at our ledgers again," he said. "But I would echo the words of our brother Chairman. Project Neaptide must yield results. For the sake of defence as well as expenditure."
"On that, we can agree," said the member for Defence.
"Then unless there is anything more to raise," yawned Xantus, "I will adjourn this meeting. Brief your Directorates, Parishes, Regiments... we need to make this happen if the Garden is to remain. Deep down, I think we all know this."
Murmurs of agreement fluttered around the room as Xantus rose to his feet. He successfully exited the chamber while the other Perfecti fell into their own little conversations. To his surprise, Ilessa was waiting outside the lobby.
"One of these days they'll let me sit in on your meetings," she said as Xantus approached.
"Only if we outlive them," said Xantus. "The Council Chamber is the most sensitive place in Kalgachia, remember. Hallowed ground and all that."
Ilessa did not respond. Instead her eyes were fixed on a large mural on the lobby wall; a striking but intricate artwork of geometric patterns and hypnotic flourishes, created by artists of the Troglodyti to disrupt remote viewing by hostile psions. Next to it was a string of geographic coordinates painted in ornate, metre-high figures - entirely the wrong coordinates for this location, painted for the same reason. The problem with the mural was that inexperienced visitors were invariably stopped in their tracks by looking at it. Xantus laughed and clamped his hand over Ilessa's eyes, being careful not to look at the mural himself.
"Oh crap," squeaked Ilessa, "I did it again. It's just so... pretty."
"Don't worry," said Xantus, draping a hand over her shoulder as they walked back to their quarters. "It's good to test it now and again. When people start getting immune to it, we have to paint a new one."
"So what was the meeting about?" said Ilessa.
"Implausible superweapons," said Xantus. "One of our spies has died reporting on them."
"Poor fellow," said Ilessa. "But that's hardly a reason to drag you out of bed. I missed your snuggly warmth."
"Well there's more to the matter," said Xantus, "but they'll have my head if I tell you everything." He opened the door of his chambers for Ilessa and looked at the clock as he followed her in. "It's still the middle of the night," he said, sliding towards his drinks cabinet. "How about a nightcap to settle us down again?"
"I'm fine, darling," said Ilessa, her full iridescent form shimmering by the bedside as she disrobed.
"What?" smirked Xantus, removing two glases from the cabinet anyway. "It's not like you to turn down a glass of Goldie's Knockout Drops. Go on, take a glass."
"Really, I can't," said Ilessa. "Won't," she instantly corrected herself. "I won't be needing one this evening, darling." She flashed a smile. "Thank you anyway."
The glass in Xantus' hand shattered on the floor. His ears had been too quick for her; now his jaw hung agape. "Lessie...!" he gasped.
Ilessa blushed a violent shade of green and let out an involuntary giggle, confirming the slip of her tongue. She shrugged in resignation as Xantus' golden gaze passed down the length of her naked body, settling on her belly.