Riddersborg's Committee of Defence is a civic militia organised under the auspices of Keltia Command to defend the settlement of Riddersborg and its environs, located on the northern coast of the Natopian demesne of Elijah's Rest, from raiding parties sponsored by Passio-Corum. As the settlement closest to Jangsong, the main base of the Passio-Corum sponsored raiders, Riddersborg by necessity became the testing ground for the organised defence of communities in the territory.
Operational activity
14 Regnuary 1656 |
Air Defence Unit |
Activation of air defences, Riddersborg |
qty 12 .50 cal heavy machine guns, qty 1 mobile detector unit, and qty 4 civil emergency sirens deployed to Riddersborg from Sårensby Industrial Area. Items taken into possession by Air Defence Unit. Familiarisation training given by NDF personnel and representatives of Armaments & Munitions Working Group. Items crewed and positioned so as to provide warning from medium to low level air attack and point defence against low-level air attack. Discussion and training on how to detect and destroy unmanned aerial vehicles was well received.
14 Regnuary 1656 |
Internal Security Unit |
Active patrolling, Riddersborg and outlying settlements |
With basic and fieldcraft training completed, Internal Security Unit has been authorised to move from a posture of static defence and to commence active patrolling beyond the outskirts of Riddersborg to outlying settlements. Objective of 12-man patrols (qty 8 riflemen, qty 2 LMG, qty 1 radio operator, qty 1 squad leader) is to establish contact with local self-defence groups and vigilantes. Captured raiders are to be collected and brought to Riddersborg for interrogation. Civilians who request evacuation are also to be assisted.
14 Regnuary 1656 |
Mobile Column 1 |
Route March, Riddersborg to Sjørsborg |
Mobile column (qty 1,200 riflemen supported by qty 20 lorries) to deploy on detached duty to assess lines of communication between Riddersborg to Sjørsborg.
14 Regnuary 1656 |
Mobile Columns 2-4, Artillery Unit |
Remain at Readiness, Riddersborg area |
Force to remain at readiness in prepared positions to respond to contingencies.
14 Regnuary 1656 |
Cadet Unit |
Civil Defence assistance, Riddersborg |
Cadets to provide assistance to civil defence organisations. Duties to include crowd control, air raid shelter stewardship, first aid, stretcher bearing, mortuary duties.
14 Regnuary 1656 |
Able-bodied men and & women, ages 20–40, chosen by lot |
Defensive preparations |
Civilian helpers, under supervision of NDF advisers to commence preparation of anti-vehicle defences including brestworks, berms, anti-tank ditches and outworks. Felled timber to be utilised wherever permafrost inhibits excavation to the desired depth in the various defensive works. Foliage and man-made structures obscuring the field of fire from prepared positions to be torn down.
- Defence Committee
- Operations Group
- Mobile Column 1
- Mobile Column 2
- Mobile Column 3
- Mobile Column 4
- Logistics Group
- Munitions Depot
- Fuel Depot
- Stores Depot
- Vehicle Park
- Machine Shop
- Communications Group
- Area Defence Group
- Air Defence Unit
- Artillery Unit
- Internal Security Unit
- Training Establishment
NDF Personnel |
ESB Keltia Advisors |
Militia |
Committee of Defence
Mobile Column 1
Mobile Column 2
Mobile Column 3
Mobile Column 4
Air Defence Unit
Artillery Unit
Internal Security Unit
Cadets Unit