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Rhayon Inc

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Rhayon Incorporated is a Sanaman designer and manufacturer of various military weapon systems, like cruise missiles, missiles, rockets, torpedoes, bombs, gun-fired missiles, TOWs, and various other related systems, launched from platforms from under the sea to near space. The company was founded in 1685 by current CEO Malliki Pasha Rhayon. The name, rhayon, means lightning bolt. Company headquarters are located in Perhika, Metro Niyi.

Product line

All systems produced by Rhayon have names in Sanaman, usually following the same format. The first letter of the name is the first letter of the type of system, for example M for misil. The second and third letter denote the scope of the system, for example HK for hareye hangkolan ("surface-to-air"). Any combination of X for taxa ("sea"), H for hare ("land"), and K for hangko ("air"), is possible. A single letter denotes a system that is for example surface-to-surface, while Q for qale ("many"), denotes a system fullfilling several scopes, and LH for telh ("all"), shows a system capable of filling all scopes. The final part of the name is two or three digits, showing either the width of the system, the load of the warhead, the maximum range, or any other distinctive property.



The MXHK-125, also called the S-4 missile, is a surface-to-air guided missile primarily designed for naval combat ships. The missile has a maximum range of 10 km, is 2.5 meters long and 125 mm in diameter. The missile can be quad-packed in VLS launchers. The missile is guided by passive infrared homing, with aerodynamic control surfaces and jet engines of control. The missile features on the Protector-class missile frigate.



The launcher has twelve canisters with one rocket each. The rocket is 130 mm and has a maximum range exceeding 20 km and a minimum range of 3 km. The rocket has a weight of over 80 kg with an 8 kg warhead. The rocket is launched using the onboard targeting system, which mid course hands over control to a combination of GPS, an inertial navigation system and data uplink, with final guidance handled by imaging infrared homing. The rocket is designed to provide a comparably lightweight weapons system that can be installed on smaller combat vessels, like the Interceptor-class patrol boat.


