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Political pressure groups and organizations of Nouvelle Alexandrie

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There are many political pressure groups and organizations in Nouvelle Alexandrie. Some of these groups are international, some of them operate only at a domestic level.

Based on their relationship with policy makers in Nouvelle Alexandrie, they can be divided into:

  • insider groups - who have high degree of involvement and influence;
  • outsider groups - who have little or no direct involvement or influence.


  • rights to assemble and organize granted by the Proclamation of Punta Santiago;
  • groups run the gamut of causes, activity, and power;
  • some groups are small but may have local/regional impact enough to be influential, even if only in one region of NAX;
  • how political parties rise and fall, quick overview of the history of NAX politics
  • table of election results, with notes indicating party changes, mergers, defections, etc and final composition

Campaign finance in Nouvelle Alexandrie

Campaign finance in Nouvelle Alexandrie is mostly through private donors and individual contributions. Public financing is available to qualifying candidates, but the acceptance of public financing placed spending limits or caps on money a campaign can raise and spend. Elections for non-federal offices are governed by regional law. All of the regions of Nouvelle Alexandrie allow some level of corporate and union contributions, each with its own limits on spending and campaign finance protocols and procedures.

At the federal level, campaign finance is under the authority of the Cortes Federales. The Federal Electoral Commission is the independent government agency that enforces federal election law.

Political action committees

In Nouvelle Alexandrie, a political action committee (PAC) is a special organization that pools campaign contributions from members and donates those funds to campaigns for or against candidates, ballot initiatives, political causes, or legislation. An organization becomes a PAC when it receives or spends more than 1,000 for the purpose of influencing a federal election, and registers with the Federal Electoral Commission. At the regional level, an organization becomes a PAC according to the region's election laws (usually at least 1,000 écu or more to match federal requirements).

Citizens can create political action committees and raise money to help candidates and causes. These political action committees are largely unregulated and have begun to proliferate in New Alexandrian political life. The two most prominent of these are around the issue of guns, the Committee to Save Our Children and the Organisation for the Defence of Constitutional Rights.

Contributions from corporate or labor union treasuries are illegal, though they may sponsor a PAC and provide financial support for its administration and fundraising. PACs that are affiliated with trade and labor unions may only solicit contributions from members. Independent PACs may solicit contributions from the general public and must pay their own costs from those funds.

The Federal Electoral Commission maintains a national database of all federal and regional political spending over 1,000 or more. Federal campaign laws and regulations require that all campaign finance transactions (donations or expenditures) above 1,000 must be recorded, along with information about the donor or expense. This data is available for public consumption at a government-maintained website called the Federal Campaign Finance Database.

Campaign finance limits

Donors Recipients
Individual Candidate Campaign Committee PAC - Multicandidate PAC - Non-multicandidate Federal Party Committee Regional Party Committee Local or City Party Committee
Individual €5,000 per "election cycle" €5,000 per "election cycle" €10,000 per "election cycle" €8,000 per "election cycle" €20,000 per "election cycle" €10,000 per "election cycle" €8,000 per "election cycle"
Candidate Campaign Committee
Political Action Committee - Multicandidate €10,000 per "election cycle" €10,000 per "election cycle"
Political Action Committee - Non-multicandidate €8,000 per "election cycle" €8,000 per "election cycle"
Federal Party Committee €20,000 per "election cycle" €20,000 per "election cycle" €20,000 per "election cycle" €20,000 per "election cycle" Unlimited transfers
Regional Party Committee €10,000 per "election cycle" €10,000 per "election cycle" Unlimited transfers
Local or City Party Committee Unlimited transfers
Source: NAX Federal Election Commission "election cycle" = defined as the period in which political parties campaign for elections, as determined by the NAX Federal Elections Commission.

Political Parties

Federal Coalition Logo Color Seats Political Wing Ideology
Federal Humanist Party Federal Humanist Party Logo.png      Black
289 / 619
  • Federalism
  • Humanism
  • Corporatism
  • Constitutionalism
  • Pro-Raspur Pact
Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance SolidarityPartyNAXLogo.png      Red
309 / 619
Centre-left to left
  • Liberalism
  • Federalism
  • Social democracy
  • Democratic socialism
  • Aldricism
Moderate Caucus Moderate-Caucus.png      Gold
3 / 619
Centre to centre-left
  • Liberalism
  • Liberal conservatism
  • Aldricism
  • Radical centrism
  • Populism
Digger's Society DiggersSocietyLogo.png      Red
4 / 619
Far left
  • Anarcho-syndicalism
  • Syndicalism
Freedom Party FreedomPartyLogo.png      Blue
3 / 619
Far right
  • Humanism
  • Right-wing populism
  • Ultranationalism
  • Social conservatism
  • Anti-Raspur Pact
Unaligned / Independents
11 / 619


Budget and spending




  • Compassionate Use Congress
  • High Five


Family relationships

  • Families First
  • Nouvelle Alexandrie Adoption Alliance
  • Polygamists for Political Change

Gun rights



  • Alliance for Affordable Housing
  • National Housing Observatory



International development


Health Care

Raspur Pact-related pressure groups

See also: Raspur Pact



Religious/secular groups

Rural matters

  • Countryside Development Coalition
  • Fairer Federalism




See also