Plantation of Moorland

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The Plantation of Moorland saw subjects of the Benacian Union, taken primarily from the Unified Governorates and Elluenuueq, made subject to transportation to the District of Moorland, recently annexed to the Kingdom of Moorland in 1720 AN, as part of an effort to repopulate a region of northeast Keltia which had been devastated during the Wars of the Disinherited.

As a collective punishment for riotous disorders which had caused a threat to the stability of the regime in Merensk, 599,169 juveniles, chosen by lot, were conscripted from the Unified Governorates.

The Realm of Elluenuueq was meanwhile instructed to conduct a razzia into the Amokolian lands, so as to gather souls who were already familiar with hardship and who would take quickly to frontier living. One hundred thousand were to be taken in this manner from the Governorate of Absentien.