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MAPD World

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MAPD World is a popular Constancian crime drama and police procedural television series showcasing the daily lives of various individuals serving in the Metropolitan Aqaba Police Department. Due to the unique circumstances, policies, legal systems, politics and socioeconomic dynamics in Aqaba, Aqabah, and the Imperial State of Constancia, it is an interesting perspective into law enforcement and life within the Imperial State and its largest metropolis. It has gained a huge and popular following within the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie, although some decry and protest the ways and means with which the individuals operate in the performance of their sworn duties.

Every episode begins with a voice-over and a display, reading: "The State Protection Authority of the Imperial State of Constancia is authorized to affirm that the following scenes and characters are fictional, but that the procedures utilized are all in accordance with the laws of the Imperial State."

It is produced and distributed in Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie by Eura Syndicated Broadcasting Media (ESB Media) and distributed in the Region of Alduria by the National Aldurian Broadcasting Corporation.