Ludwiggian people
The Ludwiggian people are a South-Cibolan Saxon people that are related to the Blutwasser dynasty, established by Ludwig von Blutwasser, in the Principality of Walstadt and its followers and descendants. Ludwiggian people live in Walstadt, the Islands of Light, Sankt Ludwigshafen (part of [[Lanzerwald since 1709) and during 1696, also in Neu Ludwigshafen. Originally the people were of the Siseranist faith, but following mass conversions from 1690 onwards, most Ludwiggers now belong to the Ludwiggian Reformed Church. The Siseranist tribes living in the Lanzerwald region are also still considered to be Ludwiggian people, despite the hostility between them and the Ludwiggian Reformed Ludwiggians. The people speak South-Cibolan Saxon, which is writen using the Ludwiggian script. The Ludwiggian people are highly homogeneous and view foreign influences with suspicion. Closely related to the Ludwiggian people are the Louisians, a relatively small group of descendants from the Alexandrian people that have adopted the Ludwiggian customs, including reverence of Ludwig von Blutwasser, who they call Louis Eau-Sanguin.