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Local Government Quality Enhancement Act, 1740

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Local Government Quality Enhancement Act, 1740

Cortes Federales
Long title An Act to provide for an enhancement of local government service delivery quality; among other purposes.
Number 001
Introduced by Deputy Juan Pablo Jimenez, Deputy from Santander (FHP)
Extent Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie

Key provisions

Legislative history

Status Date Tabled By Vote Outcome
Introduced in the Federal Assembly 1740 AN Deputy Juan Pablo Jimenez
Debated in the Federal Assembly 1740 AN
Passed in the Federal Assembly
Debated in the Chamber of Peers
Passed in the Chamber of Peers
Royal Assent



Local Government Quality Enhancement Act, 1740

Ordered, by the Cortes Federales of Nouvelle Alexandrie,
to be Printed, 1740 AN.


BE IT ENACTED by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Cortes Federales, in this present 10th session assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-



  1. This Act shall be officially cited as the “Local Government Quality Enhancement Act, 1740”.


  1. Whenever the words “years” and “months” are used in this Act, it shall be construed to refer to a year and a month in the Anno Nortone calendar respectively, unless otherwise specifically noted by this Act.
  2. Legislature shall refer to the appropriate legislative body as mentioned in the Regional and Local Government Organization Act, 1699


  1. The Proclamation of Punta Santiago provides in Chapter I, Article 3, Section 1 that “The Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie is composed of Regions and Overseas Territories, as designated by law.”.
  2. The Proclamation of Punta Santiago provides in Chapter I, Article 3, Section 3 that “The territorial organization of the Federation shall be prescribed by law.”
  3. The Proclamation of Punta Santiago provides in Chapter I, Article 4, Section 3 that “Further provisions for the Federal Capital District shall be enacted by Act of the Cortes Federales.”


  1. It is the policy of the Federation—
    1. to enable democratic local decision-making and action by, and on behalf of, communities particularly when it comes to planning and development; and
    2. to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural interests of communities in the present and for the future.


  1. The Regional and Local Government Organization Act, 1699 is amended, by the inclusion of a new Part VIII to read as follows, and renumbering of the Final Provisions of the original Act as Part IX:
    1. Part VIII
      1. The Federal Capital District, and each Region, State, Autonomous State, Special City, Municipality and Overseas Territory shall have a local development council under such styled name as it may choose. This local development council shall initiate a comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to set the direction of local economic and social development, and the local development council shall coordinate development efforts within its territorial jurisdiction.
      2. The respective local development councils shall be composed as follows:
        1. Representatives of the local legislature, elected by their respective legislatures:
          1. 6 representatives if a Municipality or Overseas Territory
          2. 8 representatives if a Special City
          3. 10 representatives if a State or an Autonomous State
          4. 12 representatives if a Region
        2. Representatives of civil society and non-government organizations operating within the respective territorial jurisdictions of the local development council, who shall elect representatives among themselves:
          1. No less than 3 representatives if a Municipality or Overseas Territory
          2. No less than 4 representatives if a Special City
          3. No less than 5 representatives if a State or an Autonomous State
          4. No less than 6 representatives if a Region
        3. At least one representative for women, if not already represented in the representatives of civil society and non-government organizations
        4. At least one representative for senior citizens, if not already represented in the representatives of civil society and non-government organizations
        5. At least one representative for veterans, if not already represented in the representatives of civil society and non-government organizations
        6. At least one representative for persons with disability, if not already represented in the representatives of civil society and non-government organizations
        7. At least one representative for indigenous peoples present within the territorial jurisdiction of the local development council, if not already represented in the representatives of civil society and non-government organizations
        8. At least one representative from the local Civic Assembly
        9. At least one representative from the local Youth Assembly
        10. At least one representative from the local Chamber of Guilds and Corporations
      3. Representatives shall be elected for annual terms beginning the first day of the year and ending the last day of the year, with elections taking place and concluding no later than 24.XIV.
      4. Local Development Councils shall be presided over by the local Governor or Mayor, or their deputy or their designated representative by written order. Local Development Councils shall meet at least once a month, for at least two hours, and shall publicly publish their minutes of meetings, proposals, and development plans, and shall accept written petitions and memorials from residents within their jurisdiction. Local development councils shall endeavor to be inclusive and encourage meaningful participation from residents within their communities, and all their sessions shall be recorded and livestreamed or broadcast without censorship. The minutes of meetings, proposals, and development plans of local development councils shall be furnished to the Civic Assemblies and Youth Assemblies, as well as to the local development council of the territorial entity superior to them. All local development councils at the Regional, State, Autonomous State and Special City shall furnish their minutes of meetings, proposals, and development plans to the Department of Interior.
      5. Local development councils shall have a paid Secretary of the Local Development Council, and such other paid secretariat and staff as the local development council shall determine.
      6. Funding for local development councils shall come from the legislatures of their respective territorial jurisdictions, provided that no more than 10% of appropriated funds shall be used for salaries, and no more than 10% of appropriated funds shall be used for administrative expenses.
      7. There is hereby created a Bureau for Local Development Council Oversight in the Department of the Interior to oversee operations and compliance of local development councils.



  1. This Bill shall apply to all of the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie.
  2. This Bill shall not become law unless it has been given Royal Assent.
  3. In the event any provision or part of this Bill is found to be invalid or unenforceable, only that particular provision or part so found, and not the entire Bill, will be inoperative.