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Kriegswaffenfabrik Lanzerwald

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The Kriegswaffenfabrik Lanzerwald is a weapons manufacturer located in Vulcuria, in the Aemilian Federation. The company was created by order of the Aemilian Senate in XII.1742 and tasked with continuing the rocketry programme of Sankt Ludwigshafen. The first task of the company was to maintain existing stockpiles of J-1 Lärm, J-2 Schwefel and Ausradierer I cruise missiles. Future development of the Kriegswaffenfabrik Lanzerwald is focused on unmanned aerial vehicles.

Legacy products

Name First production date Image Description
J-1 Lärm 1704 Wooden fighter plane.
J-2 Schwefel 1715 Primitive cruise missile
Ausradierer I 1721

Ausradierer 1.png

Rocket powered missile