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Instrument of Accession of Raspur to the Imperial State of Constancia

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The Instrument of Accession of Raspur to the Imperial State of Constancia was read by Basileusa Cleo, on behalf of, and in the presence of Basileus Petros III, during an Extraordinary Address in open session of the First Imperial Synkletos in Aqaba on 21.VIII.1668. [1]

This document granted sovereignty over the Khanate of Raspur to the Imperial State of Constancia.


I, the Khan Tahmaseb II Osman, by the by the Khvarenah of Zurvan, Lord of the Four Quarters, Suzerain of the Blue Horizon, Restorer of the Ancienty Dignity, Graced by the Khvarenah Artaḥšásta, Unconquered in Ninety Battles, Despoiler of the Khalypsine, Ever Victorious, Unblemished, Custodian of the Two Ziggurats, Keeper of the Throne, &etc, hereby declare that:

1. I hereby freely execute this my Instrument of Accession and

2. I hereby declare that I and the Khanate absolutely and completely accede to the Imperial Throne and Imperial State of Constancia

3. By virtue of this my Instrument of Accession, I hereby assume the obligation of ensuring that due effect is given by virtue of this my Instrument of Accession.

4. By this instrument we give, grant and accept the matters specified in the confidential schedule hereto

5. Other than accession of our Throne and Khanate to the sovereignty of my dear Imperial cousin beyond the sands, Petros III, nothing in this Instrument affects the continuance of the exercise of any other privileges, prerogatives authority and rights now enjoyed by me as Khan of this state or the validity of any law at present in force in this state.

6. I hereby declare that I execute this Instrument on behalf of this state and that any reference in this Instrument to me or to the ruler of the state is to be construed as including to my heirs and successors.

Thus speaks Tahmaseb II Osman, that these divine oaths keep, lest a storm of locusts render incomprehensible all those unworthy who would hold these sacred words into contempt. By declaring this Firman, I swear on my sword by the Holy Name of Zurvan, who has created the ground and sky, Zurvan's Prophet Zarathustra, and 124,000 Prophets that; no one from my citizens, my subjects, nor my slaves, will react or behave the opposite of this Firman.