Home Office (Gotzborg)
The Home Office is one of the Ministries of State in the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg and as such is headed by a Minister, formally known as the Minister of State for the Home Office, though more commonly referred to as the "Home Minister". The Home Office is generally responsible for the administration of all domestic programs within the Royal Kingdom.
The responsibility of the Home Office encompasses the entirety of the nation within its borders and represents the largest and most senior of the Ministries. Due to its large realm of responsibility, the Home Office consists of a number of Vice-Ministries, agencies and other entities that are tasked with specific portfolios to ensure effective administration and governance.
Minister of State
The Minister of State oversees the administration of all ministries and agencies of the Home Office, carries out the responsibilities of any vacant positions, and chairs the Royal Cabinet Office in the absence of the Royal Chancellor.
The current Minister of State for the Home Office is Mr. Damian Naples. He is the ninth person to have held the office since 2004.
The Home Office is a traditional top-down departmental structure, in which the office of the Minister of State has responsibility for the implementation of the entirety of the Home Office's mandate and the administration of all of its personnel. Due to the wide-ranging mandate of the Home Office, there are presently six ministries, each headed by a Vice-Minister reporting to the Minister, that have been subordinated responsibility for certain policy areas. These ministries are further sub-divided into various offices which are tasked with specific functions.
Agencies, Boards and Commissions
An agency, board or commission of the Home Office is an independent, at-arms-length, entity, the mandate and operation of which are defined through specific legal texts, whether through a Royal Decree, a Statute Law, or a Regulation. The Minister's role is limited to the appointment of officials to each agency, board or commission, and to reporting on the activities of each to the Royal Cabinet Office, as an agency, board, or commission does not hold a seat in Cabinet. The Minister does not provide direction to the appointed officials of agencies, boards, and commissions, and the officials are not accountable to the Minister for their decisions - they are only accountable to the requirements set forth in law for the particular agency, board, or commission in question.
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Royal Security Police Service General of Police: General Wilhelm Hollander |
Special Offices
Special Offices are sometimes created to assist the Minister directly with a certain function, such as media relations, to directly advise the Minister on a particularly sensitive matter, or to administer a special project or programme that requires numerous ministries to coordinate. Special Offices are not attached to a Ministry and take direction from, and report directly to, the Minister. The head of a Special Office is typically a crown servant whose role and authority are specifically defined in a letter of appointment from the Minister.
Home Office Press Secretary
The Home Office Press Secretary is responsible for the development and release of press bulletins as well as responding to inquiries from media publications. This Office is presently integrated with the Minister of State's position. A record of all press releases issued by the Home Office Press Secretary can be accessed via the Public Records Office.