FLO Railways
FLO Railways is a Florian state-owned company and is the principal railway operator in Floria. Founded in 2019 after the government purchase of High Speed Floria. The Florian rail network is one of the busiest in the world.
The rail infrastructure and freight services are also maintained and carried out by the company.
Purchase of High Speed Floria
Types of train service
FLO Railways provides two services for passengers:
- Sprinter: Sprinters stop at all stations and are used mostly for local traffic. Sprinters on small lines can be the only kind of service available.
- Intercity: These services only stop at major stations and were introduced to replace the preceding services of High-Speed Floria.
Fares and tickets
The T-card is the common way of fare payment. Single and return tickets, mostly used by tourists and one-off travellers are available at ticket machines and service counters but a surcharge of $1.50 applies. Long term season tickets are available.
Travellers are required to check-in at the start of the journey and check out at their destination if using T-Card. T-Card can also be used on buses and trams in cities which operate such services.