Chamber of Deputies Membership (RD-2005-27)

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HIS ROYAL MAJESTY August Charles II, By the Grace of God King of Gotzborg, Archduke of Reichlau, Grand Duke of Lucerne, Marshal of the Union of Seven Nations, Lord of the Border Marches, Admiral of the Southern Reaches, Count Kendal does hereby send greetings;

WHEREAS It is important to ensure the provision of an effective and useful governmental system within Our Realm;

WHEREAS The current provision of Article 37 of the Constitution does not currently meet the needs of Our Realm;

WHEREAS Our previous Royal Decree and Provisional Law dealing with this was lost in the Ezboard Crash of 31 May 2005;

WHEREAS Our honoured Chamber of Deputies is currently operating under this direct system in absence of the original Royal Decree and Provisional Law;

LET IT BE KNOWN that We of Our especial grace, certain knowledge and mere motion do decree that as per Article 36 of the Constitution, We do Decree that Article 37 be repealed and replaced as per and on the advice of our government represented within the Chamber of Deputies Act, section 3 as follows:

WHEREAS: (i) Article 37 of the Constitution limits membership of the Chamber of Deputies to not more than five members; (ii) it is desirous of strengthening the system of parliamentary government by increasing levels of public participation;

1. Short Title This Act may be cited as the Constitutional Amendment (Chamber of Deputies Act).

2. Repeal of article 37 Article 37 of the Constitution of Gotzborg is hereby repealed.

3. Membership of the Chamber of Deputies All citizens of Gotzborg who are possessed of their full civic rights and who are subject to no legal impediment shall be eligible to participate in the Chamber of Deputies as a full member enjoying the rights and status thereof.

4. Ratification The process of ratification of this bill being an amendment to the constitution shall be as specified in part X of the constitution.

AND That we do direct Our Government to within six months from this Decree, hold a public referendum of all citizens to vote on this amendment as per Article 84 of the Constitution in which no less than 50% of the active population must vote in favour for this to become, once and for all, an integral part of Our Constitution;

AND We do direct that Our Royal Chancellor and Ministers designated as responsible for this, counter-sign Our Royal Decree.

AND We do further direct and enjoin that this Royal Decree shall be read and proclaimed in such places as appropriate within the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have caused this Our Royal Decree by the affixation of the Royal Seal of the Kingdom to be published, by witness Ourself at Lonenberg Palace this nineteenth day of December in the sixteenth year of Our reign.


August Charles II

King of Gotzborg


HL Christopher

Royal Chancellor

CONSOLIDATION NOTES Proclamation: 2005-12-19 Status: See Constitution Act consolidation. Status Date: 2017-12-22