Strait of Haifa

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The Strait of Haifa
The Strait of Haifa as seen from orbit.

The Strait of Haifa is the narrow, elongated, shallow sea which separates central and eastern Keltia. The Strait is situated between longitudes 100E and 120E, and latitudes 20N and 70N.

Today the Strait of Haifa is dominated by commerce between the states which constitute the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa. With that said, piracy is extremely common in the region, especially in regions which lie to the south of Lake Morovia.

Countries which claim territory bordering the Sea of Storms are: the Maritime Markets, the Commonwealth of Hamland, and the Republic of Pontus.


The Strait of Haifa is a dormant continental rift zone in eastern Keltia which was formed when the East Keltian Continental Plate diverged from the Laceran and Caledonian plates.

Southern Strait of Haifa

The Southern Strait of Haifa lies to the south of Lake Morovia, and connects Lake Morovia to the Corprian Ocean. In terms of climate, the Southern Strait of Haifa is hot and semi-arid or arid. To that extent, the region's southernmost reaches lie within the bitterly hot Eastern Mykonos, and the rocky Thalassapolis deserts. In addition to its harsh, unforgiving climate, the Southern Strait of Haifa is home to a large number of very powerful pirate communities which operate out of the Port of Blore Heath. Most notable of these communities is the Bacchian Vine Fleet, a band of pirates who sail upon ships made from living vines, who worship the god of wine and ritual madness.

Major active cities along the Southern Strait of Haifa include Blore Heath, Mylecia, and Jogi. Other active cities include the Pontian city of Sardis. Inactive, or independent city-states include Fort Itainen, Bursesti, Newstone, and Lewisburg. These latter cities are especially vulnerable to attack by pirates, such as those mentioned above.

Lake Morovia

The Nortonian - the favorite of the ships commanded by Captain Ismael Hatch - is perhaps the most prominent large warship to have sailed in the waters of Lake Morovia in recent times. It was the size of his ship in contrast to most others which allowed him to rise to such rapid preeminence in the region.

Despite its name, and its depiction on most official maps as a lake, Lake Morovia is not a lake but a vast swampland which sits in the heart of an ancient, dormant super-volcano. With that said, Lake Morovia is a large body of fresh water which drains directly into the briny Strait of Haifa. Accessible in only certain locations to large sea-going vessels, Lake Morovia is a foreboding land of twisting waterways and wetlands which has historically served as the home of notable nations such as Ocia and Haifa. Located in the center of the temperate climate region known as the Valley of Haifa, Lake Morovia is a region rife with Haifan pirates who derive inspiration from the adventures of Captain Ismael Hatch.

Lake Morovia is home to the Hammish state of Haifa, and to the Haifan city of Vaeringheim.

Northern Strait of Haifa

The Northern Strait of Haifa lies to the north of Lake Morovia, and connects it to northern Keltia's Guardian Bay. A vast and mystical region rich in game and resources, the Northern Strait of Haifa is almost entirely devoid of human settlement - there are no major cities anywhere along the 1600+ kilometers of waterways which separate the Port of Vaeringheim from the city-state of Jangsong. Indeed, even the boldest of pirates who make their living in the Southern Strait or in Lake Morovia is generally unwilling to traverse the Northern Strait of Haifa, lest they encounter any number of the region's ghosts or fierce sasquatch.


The presence of the Strait of Haifa on the official map of the MCS has long been a contentious issue amongst the organization's members, as many have historically argued that the waterway is unrealistic or poorly defined. This argument was largely resolved by a 2015 poll in which the majority of respondents voted in favor of recognizing the waterway as a "narrow sea."