Bacchian Vine Fleet
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Based in the city of Mylecia, the Bacchian Vine Fleet is a religious community consisting of pirates who sail upon ships constructed from living vines, and who worship the god of wine and madness.
Recent Production Reports

A ship operated by the Bacchian Vine Fleet sits at a dock somewhere along the Strait of Haifa.
35.25 PSSC: Prices are Low
-Lievs: 1.68 Lievs / Share
-Plunder: .43 Tons / Share
35.25 Employment Report
-Number of People Employed (% of all Employed): 777 (10.41%)
-Total Paid in Wages (% of all Wages): 62 Lievs (%)
-Average Wages / Employee: .08 Lievs
-Value of Company (% of GDP): 4,950 Lievs (10.41%)
Company is Underfunded.