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Viskeor Air Works

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The Viskeor Air Works is an unmanned aerial vehicle and loitering munition factory near Viskeor in the Governorate of Araxion, Elluenuueq, operated by Elwynn High Tech Engineering. It develops drones for the Benacian Union Defence Force, and is largely staffed by recruits from the gymnasia of the region.

The factory recruits students from the gymnasia of Araxion as they turn fifteen, being awarded priority purchasing rights at municipal apprenticeship auctions. As of X.1732 AN, the factory had several hundred students employed. The students were promised a job and locally competitive salary of up to 70,000 chits per month as part of a work experience program. Instead, students enrolled were encouraged, and in some cases pressured, into working at the drone facility where their salaries are contingent on meeting production quotas, sometimes working 15 hours shifts without overtime pay, per the stringent terms of their apprenticeship contract with EHTE.

The Benacian Union required the site to deliver 4,650 drones during 1733 AN, at a rate of 310 drones per month, operating the factory 24 hours a day. The type of drone being assembled at the plant was not immediately known but was expected to be more capable, in terms of endurance and payload, than the loitering munitions being assembled at decentralised locations under previous programmes initiated by EHTE.