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Aleksandr Joachim Grobba

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Aleksandr Joachim Grobba
1731 Aleksandr Joachim Grobba.png
Physical information
Species Human
Race Mixed Eurani-Germania
Gender Male
Hair color and style Brown
Eye color Blue
Skin color Whitr
Biographical information
Constancia Constancia

Trans-Euran Command

  • Constancia Imperial Constancian Army
Years of service

  • Constancia

Aleksandr Joachim, born 1704, youngest son of the esteemed Jost Grobba and Alexandrina Diamandis-Grobba. Elder sister, Alexa Grobba. Elder brother, Alexei Grobba. Graduated from Dr Joachim Grobba College with a degree in Management Information Systems. Presently employed in an administrative and management capacity in ESB-Holïurs-Afzælt in its Aqaba office. Trained in weapons proficiency.

Currently holds the rank of Ypolochagos (1st Lieutenant) in the Imperial Constancian Army, attached to the ESB-Holïurs-Afzælt, 1634th ESB-Jörmungandr Division, ESB Corps, 505th (Aqabah) Army.