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Vijayanagara Fleet Construction Yards

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Vijayanagara Fleet Construction Yards
Type ESB Group subsidiary
  • Defence
  • Maritime engineering and shipbuilding
Founded 1716 AN
Headquarters B'cawshrine, Elluenuueq, Benacian Union
Area served Benacia
Parent ESB Group Benacian Directorate of Operations
View of the dockyards, 1723 AN.

The Vijayanagara Fleet Construction Yards were established at B'cawshrine in 1716 AN, following the negotiation of a twenty year lease of the "western panhandle" of the bailiwick from the Cult of the Sacred Detonation. The region is the site of the extensive ruins of Vijayanagara, a formerly Agnesian city that was destroyed during the Scouring (1695 AN).

Operated and controlled by the Benacian Directorate of the Honourable Company, the site was developed by the ESB Group in anticipation of a large scale fleet expansion programme for the Maritime Forces of the Benacian Union, which was finally approved by the 6th Session of the Congress of Chryse in 1722 AN. The company would begin to receive investments and strategic direction from the Naval Construction Office of the Union-State.

Product ranges

Vessel class Type Batch Quantity Image Notes
Carnifex-class Cruiser 1723/1 Benacian Union 1 Carnifex-class cruiser.png Ordered, 1723 AN
Dredger-class Gunboat 1723/II Benacian Union 9 Dredger-class monitor.png Ordered, 1723 AN
Rose-class Corvette 1730/I Benacian Union 4 Rose-class corvette.png