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Matias Gustierrez

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Nouvelle Alexandrie

Who's Who of Nouvelle Alexandrie
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Matias Gustierrez
Titles and Offices Held
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Full Name Matias Pedro María Gustierrez
Birth Date 24.V.1632 AN
Death Date 12.XI.1705 AN
City and Region of Residence Punta Santiago, Alduria

Matias Pedro Gustierrez, Baron Gustierrez of Alpadría, was an Alduria-Wechua philosopher, politician, and public speaker. He wrote the popular Essays on Liberty together with Emilio Acaran and Francesco Patrallez. He also served as a member of the Cortes Federales from 1693 AN until his death in 1705 AN, as a member of the Federal Humanist Party. He was known for his Liberal and Humanist ideology, support of Federalism and Constitutional Monarchy , and his erudite writing. His work got him risen to Life Peer in 1702 AN. He died from a long sickbed of lung cancer in 1705 AN. He was known for writing a column in The Aldurian Sun, about his political observations, throughout most of his life, and only stopped shortly before his sickbed.

A Cárdenas Metro station was renamed in his honour in 1707 AN.

A public hospital in Punta Santiago, as well as a public library, were named in his honor in 1728 AN.
