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Regional Inspectorate of Corum

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Regional Inspectorate of Corum
Flag of Regional Inspectorate of Corum
Founded 1720 AN
Part of General Inspectorate of Eura and Corum
Garrison {{{garrison}}}

The Regional Inspectorate of Corum, a subordinate entity of the General Inspectorate of Eura and Corum, was established on 19.VI.1720 AN in response to a series of embarrassing intelligence failures during the Corsair Wars which had seen a sizeable fleet of the Disinherited assembled in the ports of northern Corum and escape to sea before Trans-Euran Command, the continental theatre command of the Raspur Pact with responsibility for the region, had been aware of, or able to react to the concentration of hostile shipping. The Regional Inspectorate was to ensure that no further lapses occurred and, further, was to improve the vigilance of those allied contingents found on the margins of the continent who had been grouped provisionally as the Corum Garrison.


