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Dāryuš Vištāspa of the Suren

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Dāryuš Vištāspa of the Suren, Crown Prince of the Suren Confederacy. Born in 1686 AN at the palace in Surenshahr to Dāryuš of the Suren and the Bānū Aspadanadoḵt.


His father, the Surenšāh, perished miserably on the night of 24.VII.1694 AN, blasted at close range with a fire-lance by Daniyal al-Osman, as the consequence of a duel fought at Port Tablot.

The void left by the senseless slaying of his father, born from a factional struggle for control of the Humanist movement, had been swiftly filled however. Dāryuš Vištāspa's aunt, Mitradokht, had been swiftly brought from Raspur to Surenshahr via a road convoy led by Alexios Melas, a Colonel of the Constancian Imperial Guard. Palace courtiers, officials, and potential claimants to the throne, were sufficiently overawed by the deployment of the Constancian Foreign Legion, and sufficiently terrified by the alternative prospect of a Zeedic takeover as to meekly acquiesce to the orderly transfer of power. The wives, concubines, and burgeoning brood of the late Surenšāh were confined to the "gilded cage" of the harem quarters of the Outer Palace, their fate only to be wondered at, whilst Mitradokht was installed upon the throne.

As Mitradokht was, by her own will, to remain childless as a consequence of her shameful forced marriage to Kalkul Sahib, a freed slave of Raspur, Dāryuš Vištāspa was to be spared the garrote and the gelding knife, the usual fate for royal kin at the accession of another to the throne. Yet, in spite of this mercy, he was remain confined to the "gilded cage" for a time yet, lest the youth were to become the focus of ambitious nobles eager to depose Mitradokht and replace her with a puppet under their control rather than under Constancian influence.

In 1710 AN, as part of ongoing efforts to end the Raspur-Suren feud which now dated back to the Second Euran War, Dāryuš Vištāspa was wed to Roya al-Osman.

In 1717 AN he would finally receive the measure of recognition he long desired, confirmation of his status as crown prince and command of the Surenid fleet assembled at Kara and in the Trivial Isles for the campaign against the Eastern Eura Trade Association. In fairness, it was not, however, much of a fleet, but it would nonetheless fly the pennant banner of the Suren alongside the far more numerous flotilla sent by the Imperial Constancian Navy to support the campaign.