Treaty of Karpuz

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The Treaty of Karpuz is a bilateral agreement between the Republic of Alduria and Antakia that was signed and ratified in 1675 AN. Since the signing of the treaty, both nations have gone on to merge individually with other nations to form federations. Antakia is now part of the Thraci Confederation and Alduria is now part of the Alduro-Wechua Federation.

The Treaty of Karpuz marked an important development in the relationship between both signatories. After the Treaty, both governments have worked to facilitate travel, trade, and diplomacy between themselves, consulting regularly on regional and commercial affairs. After both countries joined their respective federations, both nations have continued to honor the treaty as their respective federations honor their past treaty commitments.

In 1693 AN, the newly established successor to Alduria-Wechua, Nouvelle Alexandrie, announced that they were withdrawing from this Treaty given the expansion of the Thraci Confederation into Razjania, an area of Eura where Nouvelle Alexandrie and Constancia were conducting military operations to pacify and absorb the area to their own territories.



the Republic of Antakia and the Republic of Alduria

The Republic of Antakia and the Republic of Alduria, both young democratic and free Republics in the continent of Eura, agree to the following terms, which constitute a Treaty of Cooperation and Non-Aggression between them: -

  1. There shall be a state of perpetual friendship and peace between the Republic of Antakia and the Republic of Alduria, and they shall endeavor to be good neighbors in the continent of Eura;
  2. The Republic of Antakia and the Republic of Alduria shall be committed to the peaceful resolution of all issues and differences that may estrange them;
  3. The Republic of Antakia and the Republic of Alduria shall desist from any act of violence, any aggressive action, and any attack on each other, either individually or jointly with other nations;
  4. Should the Republic of Antakia or the Republic of Alduria become the object of belligerent action by a third nation, the other shall not give its support to this third nation;
  5. The Republic of Antakia and the Republic of Alduria shall respect the diplomatic envoys of each other, their diplomatic correspondence and their offices, as well as all other government structures of each other;
  6. The Republic of Antakia and the Republic of Alduria may appoint an ambassador or envoy to the other in order to foster good relations. The host nation shall reserve the right to expel an ambassador or envoy that are in contravention of either any part of this Treaty or the laws of the host nation.
  7. This Treaty may only be amended, revised, enlarged and expanded upon the concurrence of both Republics signatory to this Treaty. Any contrary action or measure shall be null and void.
  8. This Treaty shall enter into force upon proper ratification by the governments of the Republics signatory to this Treaty, by the proper constitutional methods.
  9. Either party may withdraw from this Treaty provided that written notice (defined as a post on forums or update in MicrasWiki, ratified by whatever legislative procedures necessary) is given.

For the Republic of Antakia,
Alperen Mithat Gazi
President of Antakia

For the Republic of Alduria,
Alejandro Campos
President of Alduria

See also