Garde Royale de Porte Arrière
The Garde Royale de Porte Arrière (GRPA) is a household-lifeguard regiment trained and equipped for ceremonial functions as well as combined-arms warfare. The GRPA recruits exclusively from the Alexandrian Draconian population of Drak-Modan, chosen because of the martial prowess of their homeland as well as their lack of traditional ties to the various ethnic groups in Benacia.
The GRPA is modelled after the Alexandrian military, including its organization, uniforms, and ranks.
- Le régiment de la Garde Royale de Porte Arrière
- Le poste de commandement (PC): Royal Palace, Drakorda
- Le 1er bataillon de la GRPA: Royal Palace, Drakorda
- Le 2e bataillon de la GRPA: Royal Palace, Dracoheim
- Le 3e bataillon de la GRPA: Royal Palace, Drakorda
- La 1re compagnie de bombardiers de la GRPA: Royal Palace, Drakorda
- La 2e compagnie de bombardiers de la GRPA: Royal Palace, Dracoheim
- La 1re compagnie de grenadiers à cheval de la GRPA: Royal Palace, Drakorda
- La 2e compagnie de grenadiers à cheval de la GRPA: Royal Palace, Drakorda
The regular battalions are trained and equipped as mechanized infantry, the bombardiers as field artillery, and the horse grenadiers as armoured reconnaissance.
The Garde Royale de Porte Arrière is distinguished by the wearing of a cravat in all categories of uniform, from full dress to battle fatigues.