Johanna van der Graaf

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Johanna van der Graaf (born Hanna Arsalani-Kaliriyun in Shahzamin, Babkha in 1444, died in 's Koningenwaarde, Batavia in 1528) was the eldest child of Eskender Arsalani and Tuuler Kalir, and a Babkhan-born noblewoman and scholar. Married in 1460 to Batavian historian Peder van der Graaf. Lawyer by trade, she researched comparative human rights law. Founded the Council of Andelaria with her sister in law Ylva Andelarion, which monitored and spread human rights (though it was quickly disbanded upon her brother's joining politics in Babkha). Had a son, Marcus, born 1462, who lived a quiet but sophisticated life in Batavia until he met Aure du Grifos (1480–1574), a Shirerithian noblewoman, who brought him to Shireroth. Marcus and Aure never married, however, but had children together.