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Xenoclasm is a political ideology and movement centered in Caradia, specifically the Caradian capital of Relacul that is strongly centered on the ideas of human supremacy, nationalism, and an entirely totalitarian state. Xenoclasts in Caradia, and most other Caradians with whom the Xenoclasts hold a particular modicum of influence, prefer to categorise the ideology as one of "conservative monarchism", but thus far foreign political analysts, especially those of the Ciric Confederacy with which Caradia is allied, have taken to labeling Xenoclasm as fascism, with one analyst going so far as to liken Xenoclasm to certain other nationalist ideologies for whom the confederates hold a certain disdain.

Because Caradia does not have political parties because of its already totalitarian and anti-democratic nature, Xenoclasts do not face very much resistance, as they are careful to align themselves closely with the monarch so as to lobby for more support from the authorities. Xenoclasm has found particular favour with the higher-ups of Caradian society, most especially those more likely to be affected by foreign influence, such as the executives of the Caradian Coal Company that had only just begun facing serious competition in the form of the Andromeda Tech Corporation. Xenoclasm has only two major vectors of resitance in the duchy, these being those loyal to the pact between the duchy and the confederacy, and the Cei Credincioși, who have organised themselves specifically in opposition to the Xenoclasts' destructive and xenophobic policies.

Xenoclasm defines itself as "Against the strict lunacy of progressivism that foreigners prefer to foist upon the good and glorious tradition of the duchy", and is therefore defined by what it is against rather than what it is for. Xenoclasm primarily advocates for the duchy to close itself again to the outside world, shutting down any and all foreign relations, including the Union Australis, and for the duchy to instigate a "religious cleansing" to reform itself to the glory days of the Church of the Black Flame. Xenoclasts range from rabid xenophobic zealots to somewhat more moderate feudalists, but the movement as a whole is very radically conservative, seeking a violent return to what it considers to be the honourable past. Xenoclasm has made itself popular amongst much of the more well-off members of Caradian society through its intense religiousness, but this itself has presented a weakness in one of the xenoclasts' most common arguments, that being their assertion that, as the monarch of Caradia is divinely chosen, the monarch is entirely infallible in their decisions, as they have also asserted very strongly that the decision of Duke Alecsi XVI to open the country to the wider world was one of the most unholy decisions ever made in the country's political history.