The Revelation of Trials

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The Revelation of Trials is a holy Bovic scripture and the seventh scroll of the Book of Revelations. The text is the same as Imperial Decree 728 in Shireroth.

The Revelation of Trials

Revealed to Kaiser Ayreon III, Metroboarch of Benacia

The word of Bous our lord came to me, in the voice of his avatar Elijah, saying:

"I am Elijah, one the nine-crossed divinity, angel of the lawful good, and I call upon you, my child, to leave the throne of Shireroth, to leave it to the heathen-worshipper of margarine."

And I asked him, "My Lord, who is the heathen-worshipper of margarine?"

And my Lord responded: "It is Jacob, the lord of Kiladoor. Behold, this shall be his test."

And then my Lord spoke no more.

Having ascended to the throne of Shireroth by the will of Bous, and given that Elijah is the avatar of the lawful and the good, I see no reason to distrust his words. I must obey.

I therefore abdicate the throne and leave it to Jacob Darylion-Verion, Lord Kiladoorion, Marquess of Shirekeep, effective immediately.

Done at the Keep the ninth day of Kuspor in the year sixteen-hundred and twenty-three.

Preceded by:
The Father and the Son
Book of Revelations
Succeeded by
Message of Nathaniel the Returned