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For the Constancian monopoly trading company please see: Androphagos Corporation.

Androphaghi (Kumaranchi) askari troops photographed in the Babkhan era during the forcible liberation of Bastan Jazireh in southern Eura from Cranda.

Androphagi (Constancian: Man-eaters) - the term used by Constancians to describe inhabitants of the ungoverned portions of Eura. Characterised as regressed barbarians and cannibals, the Androphagi live in scattered polities varying in size from diminutive nomad bands comprised of two or three family groups all the way up to ex-slave townships capable of banding together and putting on the pretence of statehood.

The manners of the Androphagi are more savage than those of any other race, save the Bassarid worshippers of Dionysus in their frenzy. They neither observe justice, nor are they governed, by any laws. They are rootless-wanders, and although their dress is Babkhan, they are without religion. The language which they speak is a canting patter that has many recognisable Babkhi words sprinkled amongst it but is quite dissimilar to that harsh barking language spoken in Raspur. Unlike most other races on Eura, they do not trouble to disguise the fact that they are cannibals.
—Kalkul Sahib, Report to the Permanent Standing Committee on the Conditions of the Euran Interior (09.III.1670)


Although a heterogeneous population, by virtue of being formed from an admixture of remnant populations clumped together in a desperate 'all against all' struggle for survival in the wake of the Babkhan Holocaust of 1598, the predominant physiological traits amongst the majority of these population clusters strongly indicated a recent kinship with the Kumara and Dromosker populations of the North-Euran coast and the Skerry Isles. This conclusion has been backed by the tentative results of genetic testing carried out by the "Honourable Company" upon a few recently acquired captives, as well as in the comparison of observably manifest cultural behaviours - particularly the practice of ritual-collective cannibalism and the acquisition and redistribution of social standing thereby.

Known polities