F-8 Shrike

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A venerable multi-role strike aircraft. This probably needs an article.


Although the airframe design is 110 years old (first production model entering service with the Shirerithian military circa XI.1559 AN) the Shirerithian habit of replacing parts as they wore out - effectively creating a new aircraft over time - combined with the relative technological stagnation of human societies on Micras had the effect of far extending the service life of the Shrike beyond that which might be reasonably assumed. The aircraft was intended to be phased out of service and replaced by the F-10 Carnifex and GAV(P)-5 Nereid under modernisation plans which were put into abeyance by the advent of the White Plague and the Modanese Emigration in the late 1660's. As such the aircraft remains in widespread use with the Imperial Shirerithian Air Forces until such time as the political leadership in Shirekeep effects a definitive reorganisation of the armed forces.

Operational history


Early history

Sxiro-Jingdaoese confrontation


The F-8, along with many other surplus items of Shirerithian weaponry accumulated during the Sxiro-Jingdaoese Confrontation were made available to the Hoennese Realm under the terms of the Sxiro-Hoennese Treaty of Friendship[1].

Comparable aircraft