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Garden of Kalgachia
Flag of Kalgachia
Coat of Arms of Kalgachia
Coat of Arms
Motto: Quod Superius, Sicut Inferius
(As Above, So Below)
250px|Location of Kalgachia|frameless
Map versions -
Capital -
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Official language(s) Benacian English
Official religion(s)
Demonym Kalgachi
 - Adjective Kalgachi
Government Gnostic Theocracy
 - Executive Council of Perfecti
 - - -
 - Legislature -
Establishment 102 Anno Libertatis
(1649 AN; June 7th 2017)
Area -
Population -
Currency -
Time zone(s)
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
National website -
National forum -
National animal -
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National tree -
Abbreviation -

The Garden of Kalgachia is a territory located in the mountains of west-central Benacia. It was established by elements of the Minarborian population during that empire's collapse, and is governed according to theocratic principles.


With the thinning of the necromantic ley lines which kept its undead ruling caste animated, the Empire of Minarboria entered a state of progressive collapse from around 1642 Anno Nortone. By 1650 AN this process of aesthenic degeneration was largely complete, as the empire's bio-modified priesthood - who had taken on much of the mantle of governance in the absence of direction from the proper authorities - themselves gave up on the task and retreated to the maze of underground burrows whence their race had emerged some centuries previously. Those who remained either took solace in acts of destructive hedonism, or else began fleeing to the least strategically valuable lands possible in the hope that the inevitable ingress of oppurtunist foreign invaders would pass them by for long enough that a successor state could be established and defended. Those of the latter inclination would become known as the Kalgachis - although in truth they were an ethnically-diverse rabble, composed as they were of Laqis, Ashkenatzim, Tellians, and those Nezenis (aka Deep Singers) who had not yet found themselves a suitable burrow to disappear into. The latter group were especially instrumental in the development of both the infrastructure and belief system of Kalgachia, and although nominally severed from the wider plan of genetic cultivation which spawned their kind they nonetheless enjoyed the residual advantages of bodily enhancement and soon came to overtake their luckless peers in the headlong migration toward the safety of the mountains.

Governance and Religion

Kalgachia's belief system began as an agglomeration of those eremitic and monastic sects which had been tolerated with disdain by the Minarborian church, but whose teachings gained new-found popularity in the wake of that church's collapse. Indeed the conditions of the time all but demanded that the early Kalgachis organise themselves in small fortified groups, attending to their own needs before any thoughts of the wider Garden could be considered. In time however, these monasteries - and the churches built in subjection to them - were networked together by the new Nezeni elite who, true to their ancient form, retreated to tunnels in the thick mountain granite to administer those communities in their care. The most headstrong among them would become known as the Perfecti, an unknown number of individuals sitting in council to govern their new mountain Garden.

The belief system of Kalgachia is not so much based on new revelation, as on several long-running undercurrents of Minarborealist belief that bubbled to the surface of the popular consciousness once the old church was no longer around to suppress them. While the old conception of the world as a Garden is retained by the Kalgachis, its purpose has been somewhat revised. No longer is it the goal of the faithful to expand the Garden across the physical world - now considered a damnable act of flattery toward an inherently corrupted plane of existence - instead it is to be maintained in a small but increasingly beautiful form until its inhabitants, by way of reward, are freed from their material bodies and reunited with the Garden Ketheric, a pure and unknowable plane whose divine spark is implanted into the hearts of all physical beings and yearns for reconciliation with its source. At the same time an opposite realm, the Wastes of Irredeemable Corruption, impels a negative force to dampen and obstruct the divine spark of the Garden Ketheric, in order to prevent enterprising souls from escaping the physical world, which is a fundamentally compromised plane of existence created in the image of the irredeemably corrupt.

The Kalgachi Church holds that the entire physical world is a point of collision between the Garden Ketheric and the Wastes of Irredeemable Corruption, initiated from the latter in a futile attempt to destroy the former. That boundary is itself divided into the Garden Physical - that is, the Garden of Kalgachia - and the Wastes of Tumult, comprised of the entire physical world outside Kalgachia. It is considered the goal of all humanity to first gain admittance into the Garden Physical, and then to enhance its beauty and virtue to such heights that its inhabitants are admitted to the Garden Ketheric en masse - an eschatological event which forever consigns the inhabitants of the Wastes of Tumult to the Wastes of Irrdeemable Corruption, forces the collided realms apart and entails the end of the physical world itself.

Unusually among world religions, the closest physical proximity to the Garden Ketheric is considered to be underground rather than in the heavens, the latter being considered a realm of great evil with a reputation for spawning all manner of archonic police actions from apocalyptic meteor showers to orbital kinetic weapons wielded by powerful nation states.

The Perfecti remain in their sanctified underground homes in order to prevent themselves being corrupted by the distractions of the world above. On the rare occasions they do surface, it is in holy locations and often in disguise. They enlist the minions of the Church to do their bidding in broadly ministerial roles, with those of lower rank tasked with the most disagreeable work upon and beyond the borders of Kalgachia.

Governance is delegated through a series of monasteries which serve as loci of power in their own right, with their own industrial and agricultural assets and a ready supply of tithe labour. Each monastery controls all of its nearby churches, which in turn are responsible for organising their congregations.

Economy and Infrastructure

In lieu of monetary incentive, all labour is framed as a necessary act of personal and collective salvation with severe consequences for wilful non-compliance, although the provision of essantial services and welfare by charitable organs of the Church and the gentle pace of many occupations serves to keep the population reasonably content.

The mountainous terrain of Kalgachia is not especially conducive to agriculture, and the few pockets of suitable farmland are heavily cultivated. Countermeasures against soil depletion are one of the more frenetic occupations of Kalgachia's small academic community. Mining and quarrying are naturally strong sectors, although geographical and political considerations make exports problematic.

Kalgachia's roads are few, and its railways fewer. More often than not, its settlements are located partially or entirely underground; rows of frontage cut into mountain faces are a common sight, as are small and apparently lonely buildings which serve as access points to more extensive structures beneath the surface. The proximity of a settlement can often be deduced by formal displays of alpine flowers or small forest parks, the work of pious locals seeking to make their part of the Garden more pleasant on the eye.


Kalgachia is defended by the Garden Guard, a brigade-sized formation of mountain troops with a small heliborne and air defence component cobbled together from leftover Minarborian hardware. In addition, the Church of Kalgachia trains all able-bodied members of its congregation in partisan warfare, beginning with innocuous 'summer camps' during childhood and extending all the way to liaison training with the Garden Guard, in skills upto and including the leadership of company-sized formations against the armies of first-rank world powers.

Kalgachia is policed by the Prefecti, often confused with the Perfecti to whom they report. The Prefecti enjoy unfettered powers of arrest, inquisition and summary punishment although their style tends to be one of devastating surprise rather than constant intimidation. Thus the general population, never quite knowing if they're being watched or not, tend to behave themselves.