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United for Alvelo 1734 General Election Campaign (Nouvelle Alexandrie)

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United for Alvelo 1734 General Election Campaign
Campaign Year 1734
Party Name United for Alvelo (WPP)
Party Leader Party Leader Pablo Alvelo Nieves
Headquarters Potosí, Santander
Political Alignment
  • Economic: -0.6 (left-wing)
  • Social: -0.8 (liberal)
  • Geography: 0.0 (neutral)
  • Cultural: -0.9 (populist)
Seats 123 seats (Santander and Valencia)
Key Surrogates
Amount of Events Held XXX
Regions Visited

Political alignment

United for Alvelo 1734 AN Political Alignments
Heading Text
Economic -0.6 (left-wing)
Social -0.8 (liberal)
Geography 0.0 (neutral)
Cultural 0.9 (populist)


1734 Progress for Santander Foundation Conference

Alliance for a Just Nouvelle Alexandrie

Electoral Alliance

Joint Platform

Joint Campaign Organization

Campaign officials

Regional organizations

Campaign finance

General Election Campaign

Election slogans

Key election themes

Advertisements and graphics

Notable Moments and Events

Event Name Date Location Description Key Participants Soundbites/Highlights


See also
