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Pablo Alvelo Nieves

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Nouvelle Alexandrie

Who's Who of Nouvelle Alexandrie
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Pablo Alvelo Nieves
Leader of United for Alvelo (1722 AN- )
Deputy of the Federal Assembly from Santander (1718 AN- )
Mayor of Potosí (1715 AN-1718 AN)
Titles and Offices Held
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Full Name Pablo Alvelo Nieves
Birth Date 22.IV.1678 AN
  • Sofia Marquez (wife), m. 1700 AN
  • Alonso "Alonsito" (son), b. 1702 AN
  • Carmen (daughter), b. 1704 AN
City and Region of Residence Potosí, Santander

Pablo Alvelo Nieves (born 22.IV.1678 AN) is a Nouvelle Alexandrien politician, lawyer, leader of the United for Alvelo political group, and a Deputy of the Federal Assembly from Santander.

Nieves was born in Potosí, Santander, into a working-class family. His father, Alonso Alvelo, worked as a miner, and his mother, Carmen Nieves, worked as a seamstress. Growing up in a home where hard work and dedication were valued, Nieves developed an interest in social justice and activism from an early age. After graduating from a local school, Nieves embarked on a career in the hospitality industry. He began working as a waiter at a popular local eatery in Potosí, Tierra del Sol, where his charismatic personality and exceptional work ethic quickly saw him rise through the ranks to become the restaurant manager. Working in hospitality, Nieves was exposed to the struggles faced by many in the working class, including long hours, poor working conditions, and low wages. As a manager, he strived to create a better environment for his staff, implementing fair working schedules and advocating for higher pay. However, Nieves realized that lasting change needed to come from a larger scale, prompting his interest in labor laws and workers' rights.

In 1700 AN, Nieves married Sofia Marquez, a school teacher who shared his passion for social change. Their shared belief in the power of education and the importance of community involvement influenced their two children, Alonso and Carmen, who would both grow up to be active in local community projects.

Through his interactions with patrons and staff at the restaurant, Nieves developed a reputation as a man who genuinely cared for the people of Potosí. His popularity, combined with his tireless advocacy for workers' rights, led him to enter the political scene. He was encouraged to run for the position of Mayor of Potosí in 1715 AN by many who admired his dedication to his community. Despite efforts by the SDLA to recruit Nieves as a candidate for their party, Nieves maintained he would be unaligned and "unencumbered by allegiance to a party or to orthodoxy". Nieves's mayoral campaign focused on improving the lives of Potosí's citizens, particularly the working class. His promises included worker protection laws, improved local infrastructure, and expanded access to education. His message resonated with the people, and he was elected mayor.

During his three-year tenure as mayor of the city, Nieves managed to fulfilled most of his campaign promises. He fought to establish laws that protected workers and improved their working conditions. He spearheaded projects to refurbish local infrastructure and make the city safer and more accessible for its citizens. His dedication to education resulted in increased funding for schools, the implementation of after-school programs, and the expansion of broadband internet across the city. Nieves's mayoral term was also marked by a decrease in unemployment and a general increase in living standards.

In 1718 AN, Nieves was elected as a write-in independent Deputy of the Federal Assembly from Santander in the 1718 general election. A grassroots local campaign was organized by supporters and donors and submitted his name for candidacy. After missing a filing deadline to be on the ballot, the group switched to a write-in campaign, which he won. As a deputy since 1718 AN, Nieves has continued to advocate for worker rights, pushing for legislation that would secure fair wages and better working conditions. He also advocates for greater investments in education and public transport in the Federal Assembly.

In 1722 AN, Nieves was chosen as the leader of United for Alvelo, a political group formed by supporters to help his ongoing efforts in the Federal Assembly and support his re-election as an independent Deputy in the upcoming 1723 general election.

See also