Dr Joachim Grobba College
Dr Joachim Grobba College is an institution of higher learning located in the Zylenisí Dependency. It is named in honor of the deceased Joachim Grobba.
Board of Regents
- Willette Whyte, Minister of Education, 1687 - 12.I.1694
- Saundra Jacques, Minister of Education, 13.I.1694 -
Vice Chairman: Jost Grobba, 1687 -
- Suanne Osorio, Dikastis of the Zylenisi Dependency, 7th to 9th Imperial Synkletos, 1687 -
- Coreen Hutton, Dikastis of the Zylenisi Dependency, 7th to 9th Imperial Synkletos, 1687 -
- Jonie Wooden, Dikastis of the Zylenisi Dependency, 7th to 9th Imperial Synkletos, 1687 -
- Ezekiel Coward, Dikastis of the Zylenisi Dependency, 7th to 9th Imperial Synkletos, 1687 -
- Octavio Holder, Dikastis of the Zylenisi Dependency, 7th to 9th Imperial Synkletos, 1687 -
Dr Joachim Grobba College Act 1686
An Act to establish a College in the Zylenisi Dependency
Be it enacted by the Βασιλεύς’s πλέον Βασιλεύς Μεγαλειότατε, by and with the advice and consent of the Δικαστής, in this present Σύνκλητος assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—
Article I - Declaration of Policy
Section 1) It is the policy of the Imperial State to ensure that there are adequate higher education facilities in the Imperial State
Article II - Dr Joachim Grobba College
Section 1) Dr Joachim Grobba College, a state college, is established in the Zylenisi Dependency.
Section 2) Dr Joachim Grobba College shall be managed by a Board of Regents, comprised of the Minister of Education as Chairman, a nominee of Dr Grobba's family as Vice Chairman, and the incumbent Dikastes of the Zylenisi Dependency as Regents.
Section 3) Dr Joachim Grobba College is authorized to receive grants and donations from the general public, and to levy a tax of ten staters per year per adult resident of the Dependency for its support. An annual appropriation of One Million Imperial Staters from funds not otherwise appropriated is likewise legislated.
Section 4) The ESB Group is mandated to construct forthwith an adequate campus as directed by the Board of Regents, and the actual costs in construction shall be deductible from taxes payable to the Imperial State of Constancia.
Article III - Repeal, Extent, Commencement and Short Title
Section 1) This Act extends to the entire Imperial State of Constancia
Section 2) This Act shall be amendable by the consent of the Synklētos and upon enactment by the Basileus
Section 3) This Act comes into force upon receipt of Vasilikí Singatáthesi
Section 4) This Act may be cited as the Dr Joachim Grobba College Act 1686