Tyrador is a city and municipality of Hurmu, and is the capital of the Transprinitican District. Located on the inlet caused by the Tyranus River in the Bay of Shields, it is Hurmu's only port to the Northern Sea. Annexed to Hurmu in 1702 AN.
The settlement is under the authority of a Commandant appointed by the Hurmu Peace Corps, being, as of 1702 AN and the raising of the Hurmu flag over the Gralan ruins of the old city, the Inspector of the Peace Frederik Michael Tarjeisson. Ten notables of the settlement were chosen to participate in an Advisory Council; these being a renegade Jing princeling of doubtful provenance, an independent trader, a representative of the Köping Tea Company, the elder of a fishing village two miles down the coast, a mineral prospector, an aid worker from the Red Orchid Society, a schismatic missionary of the Church of Elwynn, a shipwrecked mariner who claimed Meckelnburghish citizenship, the owner of a trading caravan which encamped outside the city to service the garrison, and the owner of a travelling brothel which had followed the trading caravan and set up an encampment to service both the trader's encampment and the garrison.
Garrison & security
Foreign missions in residence
Largely a military and trading port, Tyrador facilitated Novatainian ships travelling east, to Shireroth and around to New Myzoria, and also trade by land and sea with Kildare to the south. Though smaller than the ports of Espurince, Rizacktor and St Nova's, Tyrador was nevertheless a key trading location because of its location as the western most trade port in Gralus. Not only did many exports leave from this city; imports destined for New Territory, New North Lovely and Niktoria almost always made their way through this city. Thus the small size of the port had been made up for by being the most efficient port in Novatainia, with ships coming and going all hours of the day and night, under the huge spotlights of the port.
Within the city itself, Tyrador's buildings had a somewhat New Brittanian feel, but the strongest architectural influence was undoubtedly that of Atacama, the southern most trade port in Gralus. Gaining a reputation as "The City that Never Sleeps" because of its port facilities, Tyrador became a prominent gambling locations, epitomised by the Star Casino. The hundred-metre star shining atop the casino could be seen even far out to sea, and threatened to outshine the port at night. It certainly outshone the moon.
Owned and operated by VBNC, the Star Casino hosted all manner of gambling activities. Craps, blackjack and roulette were popular, as well as the star pokies, incorporating a possibly unique four symbol system. Four stars yielded the highest payout, a thousand GELT, though such a prize has yet to be won. Moreover, it was one of few casinos to allow the playing of Cripple Mr Onion, a game that originated in The Dysk. The Casino also hosted regular poker tournaments and was the favoured destination for the big players, who could be assured private rooms and waiting security guards, should a game turn ugly. There were rumours, denied by both the Star Casino and NISB, that a game of poker in this casino was the only weakness of many a fine NISB agent.
During the era of abandonment
The city's favourable location as an anchorage permitting access to the northern and north-eastern portion of the Apollonian continent led to it being used as a covert ESB supply depot and forward operating base, usually operated on behalf of Shirerithian interests during the Sxiro-Jingdaoese Confrontation. As a venue for putting ashore agents and landing supplies for local assets, the ESB facility at Tyrador, ostensibly a meteorological station, saw discrete service during the Hammish Civil War and the War of Lost Brothers. After the Kalirion Fracture brought Shirerithian involvement with the establishment necessarily to a close, the Honourable Company in Apollonia nonetheless maintained a skeleton crew there which was subsequently able to receive a landing party from the MV Auld Laddie during 1697 AN-1698 AN when a considerable consignment of small arms were put ashore for distribution amongst anti-Jing rebels during the Post-Chidao Troubles. This however brought unwelcome attention from devolved primitives of locality, the descendants of the survivors of fallen Gralus, and after a protracted siege was seen off only with difficulty, it was decided to withdraw ESB personnel from the site once the weapons transfer had been concluded.