Aurelia Myksos

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Aurelia Myksos
Full name Aurelia Myksos
Physical information
Species Human
Race Myksosian
Gender Female
Hair color and style Black
Eye color Yellow
Skin color White
Biographical information
Father Marcus Myksos
Mother Elizabeth Miriel
Spouse Jason Derider, Sara Eskenderion Avon-El
Children Amelia Myksos, Theodosius Myksos, Marcus Eskender Avon-El Ayreon-Kalirion Myksos
Date of birth 1618
Place of birth Mahozarcheep
Residence(s) Shirekeep

Aurelia Myksos born 1618), is the daughter of Marcus Myksos and Elizabeth Miriel. was named Dutchess of Kildare in 1642 by Kaiser Dominus following her defection from Jingdao to Shireroth a year earlier.

Nowadays Aurelia Myksos spends her time as an artist, specializing in portraits, and resides in Shirekeep with her retinue in a noblewoman's townhouse.

Early life

Child of Markus Myksos and Julia Miriel, Aurelia was destined to become the high queen of Vervollkommnung and central Kildare.

Being an adventures child she would often go exploring beyond the safe confines of the palace in Mahozarcheep/Lost Woods, wandering into the city and mixing with the common riffraff and street urchins that inhabited the city.

When it seemed that locked doors, walls and guards could not stop the curious child. Her parents came to the conclusion that if they could not contain her to where they could keep a watchful eye on her that it would be best to relocate the household to one of their safer residences within Vervollkommnung.

At 6 years old (1624) Aurelia and her family moved from the bustling capital towards the Augustus winter castle located in a remote part of the Vervollkommnung neighbouring a small village.

Life at the winter palace

Aurelia would spend a large part of her childhood there, enjoying more freedom than she could have ever been permitted to have in the capital. Still while she could move around freely she was still being watched by guards 24/7. This was something that she did not enjoy.

She made frequent attempts to escape the watchful eyes of the royal guards. While these attempts were not always successful it was not unusual for her to go missing for several hours before being recovered. On one of these excursions(1629) she was able to lose the guards tasked with keeping an eye on her. When she was not recovered and did not return on her own by the end of the day A massive search effort set up to try and find the lost princess. It ultimately proved fruitless. It was to great relief of her parents and the nation when she showed up at the front gate after five days, mostly unharmed if a bit scraped up.

More notably, she was accompanied by a large Vervollkommnung bear cub. The bear, named Richard became a pet of the royal family and one of aurelia’s oldest and loyalist companions.

While some members of the household staff raised concerns about letting the child keep the animal, it was pointed out that it was much harder for aurelia to escape her guards while dragging a 50+ kg bear cub around.

Military service

Like her father had done before her, at 14 (1632) she joined the third legion for 3 years. During this time she was trained in the art of combat and strategic thinking.

Early adulthood

at the end of her military service (1635) Aurelia disappeared out of the public eye for over a year, having decided to travel throughout Kildare without the usual royal retinue. While not a lot of official information is known about this period some historians have been able to map out her travels throughout the country by gathering information on incidents involving a young woman and 500 kg bear.

In late 1636  she returned to the royal family once again dragging a stray along. This time not an animal but a young girl she claimed to have adopted.

This caused controversy amongst many of the Kildari nobles, especially the ones who put great value on the importance of bloodlines. In the end it was decided that the young girl would be recognised as a member of the royal family, officially being named Amelia Myksos but she would not be eligible to become high queen after Aurelia unless no other eligible blood relatives could be found.

Later that year Aurelia married Jason Derider, a captain in the third legion who she had started building a relationship with during her time serving in the army. The marriage proved to be a popular one as Jason was well known for his heroics in battle while fighting the wild tribes of Vervollkommnung and the green barbarians. The couple would have one child together named Theodosius Myksos (1640).

High Queen Aurelia Myksos I of Central Kildare  

Disaster struck the Myksos family when  Marcus fell ill with an unknown affliction and was soon after declared dead. Aurelia ascended to the throne of central Kildare as high queen in 1637.

The Great Kildari Exodus

Aurelia ascended to the throne in a tumultuous time.

Most of Apollonia had been overrun by the vile Jingdaoese  empire. Central Kildare kept up a strong front against the invading hordes but Aurelia knew that the battle could not be won.

A plan was put together so that the Kildari people and their way of life could continue.

Over the next 4 years the Kildari forces committed to a slow and controlled retreat letting the Jingdaoese gain more ground but also allowing millions to evacuate the country.

The Kildari refugees made the long and arduous journey towards the new nation of Voltrue. In this new land the Kildari could continue to live their life free from the threat of the Jing.

Unfortunately not everyone was able to evacuate. Countless people were still trying to escape even as the Jing attacked the last remaining Kildari strongholds on the southern coast of central Kildare.

Aurelia’s husband Jason was one of the many soldiers who remained in central Kildare, defending the last port city so that more civilians could escape. Jason was last seen fighting the invading army together with the last remains of the third legion. Their sacrifice allowed  10 000 more civilians to escape on the last remaining boats. (1641)

It is most likely that he is buried together with his men in one of the many mass graves of what used to be Central Kildare.


Aurelia would continue to lead her people in the newly founded country of Voltrue. She was instrumental in the construction and development of Kingsrise (still named Landfall at that point in History).  With massive aid of several of the surrounding nations Kingsrise was able to quickly evolve from a derelict refugee camp into an impressive city.

Kaiser Dominus gave aurelia the honerairy title of Dutchess of Kildare in 1642.


In 1644 the something truly bizarre happened. It was reported by two soldiers on guard duty that Marcus Myksos simply awoke and walked out of his own tomb. Medical professionals have theorised that his body went into a extreme form of hibernation that was almost indistinguishable from death. Many other less scientifically inclined folks called it a magical resurrection of their glorious leader signifying their peoples return to glory.

While Aurelia was ecstatic over her fathers return she also saw how this presented her with an opportunity. She had served her country and her people to the best of her abilities. But leading a nation of broken people, the loss of her husband and the responsibility of raising her child  all took a heavy toll on her.

Considering Marcus’s experience as a leader and his popularity with the people Aurelia decided that it would be best for her to step down as High Queen of Voltrue and for her father to take over, leaving her free to live her own life away from the enormous responsibility.

Kaiser Dominus however did not transfer the title of Dutch of Kildare to him stating Marcus’s rebellious nature as the reason. A claim that was perhaps not unfounded considering Marcus his role in the year of the four Kaisers.

Later life

Being released from the burdens of leadership, aurelia would commit herself towards raising her son, traveling the land and taking up her old hobby of painting.

Soon after Theodosius became an adult Aurelia permanently left Kingsrise and moved to live into a noblewoman's townhousein Shirekeep where she spent her time living as an artist, specialising in portraits.

In 1700, she came out as bi and announced that she has had a long-term relationship since 1645 with Sara Eskenderion Avon-El, Princess among the Lakes. Aurelia and Sara announced that they would marry in 1701, and that they hoped to adopt a child following that. They married on 8.VIII.1701.

During their travels to Kezan, the married couple researched ways to bring about a shared biological child. Researchers there reprogrammed cells from each of the parents into becoming gametes, of which one was made an egg and the other a sperm. Following ex vitro fertilization, the egg was implanted into the 80-year old Sara. Following seven months gestation, on 2.II.1702, the fetus was extracted from her body through surgical means, and the child, deemed alive by the attending physicians, was given the name Marcus Eskender Avon-El Ayreon-Kalirion Myksos.