This is a Thraci Confederation article. Click here for more information.
This is a Thracistan article. Click here for more information.

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{{Infobox Nation Comprehensive
{{Thraci Confederation article}}{{Thracistan article}}{{WIP}}
|fullname =Cumhuriyeti Trakistan<br/><small>(''Republic of {{PAGENAME}}'')</small>  
|commonname = Thracistan
{{Infobox settlement
|flag = File:Thracistan Flag.png
<!-- See Template:Infobox settlement for additional fields and descriptions -->
|coa = File:Thracistan CoA2.png
| name                    = Thracistan
|map = File:Thracistan map3.png
| official_name          = State of Thracistan<br>{{nobold|Trakistan Eyaleti}}
|mapversions = &ndash;
| native_name            = {{nobold|Trakistan Eyaleti}}
|motto = ''Trakistan mıqtı qoy''
| native_name_lang        = tr
|anthem = [ Full Powers]
| other_name              =
|capital = [[Kadim]]
| settlement_type        = [[States of Thraci Confederation|State of Thraci Confederation]]
|largecity = [[Kadim]]<br>[[Laman]]
<!-- transliteration(s) -------->
|lang = [[wikipedia:English language|English]]<br>Micras Turkish
| translit_lang1          =
|religion = [[wikipedia:Secular|Secular]]
| translit_lang1_type    =
|demnoun = Thraci
| translit_lang1_info    =
|demadj = Thraci
| translit_lang1_type1    =
|govtype = Republic
| translit_lang1_info1    =
|headofstatetitle = [[President Thracistan|President]]
| translit_lang1_type2    =
|headofstate = [[Alperen Mithat Gazi]]
| translit_lang1_info2    = <!-- etc., up to translit_lang1_type6 / translit_lang1_info6 -->
|headofgovernmenttitle = [[Head of Government Thracistan|Head of Government]]
| translit_lang2          =
|headofgovernment = [[Mariye Bastlion]]
| translit_lang2_type    =
|legislature = [[Anayasa]]
| translit_lang2_info    =
|estdate = 2019
| translit_lang2_type1    =
|agerank = &ndash;
| translit_lang2_info1    =
|area = &ndash;
| translit_lang2_type2    =
|arearank = &ndash;
| translit_lang2_info2    =
|pop = 1,001,045
| translit_lang2_info2    = <!-- etc., up to translit_lang2_type6 / translit_lang2_info6 -->
|activepop = &ndash;1
<!-- images, nickname, motto --->
|poprank = &ndash;
| image_skyline          =
|currency = Lira
| imagesize              =
|abbrev = ROT
| image_alt              =
|site =
| image_caption          =
|forum = TBA
| image                  = <!-- other image (specify File: or Image: namespace) -->
|animal = Black maned wolf
| image_flag              = Thracistan flag.png
|food = [[wikipedia:Kokoreç|Kokoreç]]
| flag_size              =
|drink = [[wikipedia:Milkshake|milkshake]]
| flag_alt                =
|tree = Cupoaçu
| flag_link              =
| image_seal              =
| seal_size              =
| seal_alt                =
| seal_link              =
| image_shield            =
| shield_size            =
| shield_alt              =
| shield_link            =
| image_blank_emblem      =
| blank_emblem_type      = <!-- defaults to Logo -->
| blank_emblem_size      =
| blank_emblem_alt        =
| blank_emblem_link      =
| nickname                =
| motto                  =
| anthem                  =
<!-- maps and coordinates ------>
| image_map              = Th-TR.png
| mapsize                = 280px
| map_alt                =
| map_caption            = Thracistan in [[Thraci Confederation]]
| image_map1              =
| mapsize1                =
| map_alt1                =
| map_caption1            =
| image_dot_map          =
| dot_mapsize            =
| dot_map_base_alt        =
| dot_map_alt            =
| dot_map_caption        =
| dot_x = |dot_y =
| pushpin_map            = <!-- name of a location map as per Template:Location_map -->
| pushpin_label_position  = <!-- position of the pushpin label: left, right, top, bottom, none -->
| pushpin_label          = <!-- only necessary if "name" or "official_name" are too long -->
| pushpin_map_alt        =
| pushpin_mapsize        =
| pushpin_map_caption    =
| pushpin_map1            =
| pushpin_label_position1 =
| pushpin_label1          = <!-- only necessary if "name" or "official_name" are too long -->
| pushpin_map_alt1        =
| pushpin_mapsize1        =
| pushpin_map_caption1    =
| latd  =  |latm  =  |lats  =  |latNS  =
| longd =  |longm =  |longs =  |longEW =
| coor_pinpoint          = <!-- to specify exact location of coordinates (was coor_type) -->
| coordinates_region      = <!-- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or ISO 3166-2 code for country/region containing the coordinates -->
| coordinates_type        = <!-- parameter list passed to Coord template, overrides coordinates_region -->
| coordinates_display    = inline,title
| coordinates_format      = dms
| coordinates_footnotes  = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
<!-- location ------------------>
| subdivision_type        = Nation
| subdivision_name        = {{team flag|Thraci Confederation}}
| subdivision_type1      =
| subdivision_name1      =
| subdivision_type2      =
| subdivision_name2      = <!-- etc., subdivision_type6 / subdivision_name6 -->
<!-- established --------------->
| established_title      = Establish
| established_date        = {{AN|1670}}
| established_title1      = New lands
| established_date1      = {{AN|1706}}
| established_title2      =
| established_date2      =
| established_title3      =
| established_date3      =
| extinct_title          =
| extinct_date            =
| founder                =
| named_for              =
<!-- seat, smaller parts ------->
| seat_type              = Administrtative center
| seat                    = [[Angora]]
| parts_type              = <!-- defaults to: Boroughs -->
| parts_style            = <!-- list, coll (collapsed list), para (paragraph format) -->
| parts                  = <!-- parts text, or header for parts list -->
| p1                      =
| p2                      = <!-- etc., up to p50: for separate parts to be listed-->
<!-- government type, leaders -->
| government_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| government_type        =
| governing_body          =
| leader_party            =
| leader_title            = Governor
| leader_name            = [[Fikret Canıtez]]
| leader_title1          =
| leader_name1            = <!-- etc., up to leader_title4 / leader_name4 -->
<!-- display settings  --------->
| total_type              = <!-- to set a non-standard label for total area and population rows -->
| unit_pref              = <!-- enter: Imperial, to display imperial before metric -->
<!-- area ---------------------->
| area_footnotes          = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| area_magnitude          = <!-- use only to set a special wikilink -->
| dunam_link              = <!-- If dunams are used, this specifies which dunam to link. -->
| area_total_km2          = <!-- ALL fields with measurements have automatic unit conversion -->
| area_total_sq_mi        = <!-- see table @ Template:Infobox settlement for details -->
| area_total_ha          =
| area_total_acre        =
| area_total_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_land_km2          =
| area_land_sq_mi        =
| area_land_ha            =
| area_land_acre          =
| area_land_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_water_km2          =
| area_water_sq_mi        =
| area_water_ha          =
| area_water_acre        =
| area_water_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_water_percent      =
| area_urban_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| area_urban_km2          =
| area_urban_sq_mi        =
| area_urban_ha          =
| area_urban_acre        =
| area_urban_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_rural_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| area_rural_km2          =
| area_rural_sq_mi        =
| area_rural_ha          =
| area_rural_acre        =
| area_rural_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_metro_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| area_metro_km2          =
| area_metro_sq_mi        =
| area_metro_ha          =
| area_metro_acre        =
| area_metro_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_rank              =
| area_blank1_title      =
| area_blank1_km2        =
| area_blank1_sq_mi      =
| area_blank1_ha          =
| area_blank1_acre        =
| area_blank1_dunam      = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_blank2_title      =
| area_blank2_km2        =
| area_blank2_sq_mi      =
| area_blank2_ha          =
| area_blank2_acre        =
| area_blank2_dunam      = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_note              =
<!-- dimensions ----------------->
| dimensions_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| length_km              =
| length_mi              =
| width_km                =
| width_mi                =
<!-- elevation ----------------->
| elevation_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| elevation_m            =
| elevation_ft            =
| elevation_max_footnotes = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| elevation_max_m        =
| elevation_max_ft        =
| elevation_min_footnotes = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| elevation_min_m        =
| elevation_min_ft        =
<!-- population ---------------->
| population_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| population_total        = 6,000,000
| population_as_of        = {{AN|1706}}
| population_rank        =
| population_density_km2  =
| population_density_sq_mi=
| population_est          = 5,000,000
| pop_est_as_of          = {{AN|1680}}
| population_urban_footnotes    =
| population_urban              =
| population_density_urban_km2  =
| population_density_urban_sq_mi =
| population_rural_footnotes    =
| population_rural              =
| population_density_rural_km2  =
| population_density_rural_sq_mi =
| population_metro_footnotes    =
| population_metro              =
| population_density_metro_km2  =
| population_density_metro_sq_mi =
| population_density            =
| population_density_rank        =
| population_blank1_title        =
| population_blank1              =
| population_density_blank1_km2  =
| population_density_blank1_sq_mi=
| population_blank2_title        =
| population_blank2              =
| population_density_blank2_km2  =
| population_density_blank2_sq_mi=
| population_demonym      = Halimese
| population_note        =
<!-- demographics (section 1) -->
| demographics_type1      = Demographics
| demographics1_footnotes = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| demographics1_title1    = Ethnic groups
| demographics1_info1    = {{unbulleted list|[[Thraci people|Thraci]]|[[Riponian people|Riponian]]|[[wikipedia:Pomaks|Horata]]}}
<!-- demographics (section 2) -->
| demographics_type2      =
| demographics2_footnotes = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| demographics2_title1    =
| demographics2_info1    = <!-- etc., up to demographics2_title5 / demographics2_info5 -->
<!-- time zone(s) -------------->
| timezone1              = [[Central Micras Time]]
| utc_offset1            = +7
| timezone1_DST          =
| utc_offset1_DST        =
| timezone2              =
| utc_offset2            =
| timezone2_DST          =
| utc_offset2_DST        =
<!-- postal codes, area code --->
| postal_code_type        = Postcode
| postal_code            = 01xxx-10xxx
| postal2_code_type      = <!-- enter ZIP code, Postcode, Post code, Postal code... -->
| postal2_code            =
| area_code_type          = Area code(s)
| area_code              = 001-010
| geocode                =
| iso_code                =
| registration_plate      = TR
<!-- twin cities --------------->
| twin1                  =
| twin1_country          =
| twin2                  =
| twin2_country          = <!-- etc., up to twin9 / twin9_country -->
<!-- blank fields (section 1) -->
| blank_name_sec1        =
| blank_info_sec1        =
| blank1_name_sec1        =
| blank1_info_sec1        =
| blank2_name_sec1        =
| blank2_info_sec1        = <!-- etc., up to blank7_name_sec1 / blank7_info_sec1 -->
<!-- blank fields (section 2) -->
| blank_name_sec2        =
| blank_info_sec2        =
| blank1_name_sec2        =
| blank1_info_sec2        =
| blank2_name_sec2        =
| blank2_info_sec2        = <!-- etc., up to blank7_name_sec2 / blank7_info_sec2 -->
<!-- website, footnotes -------->
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
| footnotes              =

'''Thracistan''', officially known as the '''Republic of Thracistan''', is a [[Micras]] nation. It covers two islands in [[Apollonia]]; Yogakarta and Kaman Island. To the south of Thracistan is [[Los Liberados]] and to the north is [[Pacificonia]].
Thracistan (Thraci: ''Trakistan'') (Kantic: ''ଥ୍ରାକିସ୍ତାନ'') (Martino: ''Thracistan''), or the Republic of Thracistan (Thraci: ''Trakistan Cumhuriyeti'') (Kantic: ''ଥ୍ରାକିସ୍ତାନ ଗଣତନ୍ତ୍ର'') (Martino: ''República de Thracistan''), is an island nation located in [[Apollonia]]. It consists of ten main islands, the names of these islands are Bahir, Bunak, Er, Jingeri, Orak, Rabbit, Taşköprü (Stonebridge), Uzunada, Büyükada and Kant. It is an island country and has no land borders with any nation, only [[Floria]] as a sea border. The nation had a maritime border with [[Los Liberados]] in the past. Thracistan has five major states and 28 counties. The capital of the nation is [[Kadim]], and the largest city is [[Laman]].
The country was an economy that rose until the [[Civil War in Thracistan|First Civil War]], and the economy could not recover with the civil war. With the [[Second Civil War of Thracistan|Second Civil War]], it became more difficult to collect the economy, the country became dependent on other confederations in economy. After the election of the new president in 1696, new reforms were made for the development of the nation, the new constitution became more democratic, the [[Apollonian Express]] project will pass from Kantisha, but this project was suspended due to the Second Civil War. Thracistan deals with terrorism, fights the [[KLF]], and the [[KLF]] aims for [[Kantisha]]'s independence. The Second Civil War started in 1678, during the [[Uras Beyzırgaslan]] period, Thracistan was like a closed box, so information was always hidden from outside states.
===Thracis Arrival on The Island===
===Alperen Mithat Gazi Era===
===Civil War===
===Uras Beyzıgaslan===
===Second Civil War===
===Hasan Ladin Era===
The name Thraistan dates back to the end of the 1500s. While the Thraci people were an isolated community in [[Corum]], this term was often used for the Thraci countries. The name Thracistan is simply the word of Thraci, which is the name given to the Thraci people, and the suffix -istan, originating from [[wikipedia:Persian language|Babkhi]], comes, and the suffix -istan means nation.
[[File:Thracistan Climate.png|left|200px|thumb|Thracistan's climate.<br>{{legend|red|Tropical climate}}]]
Thracistan is a country located on the equator and the 0 meridian passes through the nation, therefore the people among themselves are referred to as the Center of Micras to their country. Thracistan has 10 islands and 200 small islets, the largest island is Bahir Island. In Thracistan, transportation is used by road in the main islands and by sea in inter-island travels. There was an 8 km long tunnel between Bahir Island and Bunak Island, bridges were built on Er Island so that uninterrupted inter-island transportation is possible in the nation. But tunnels and bridges were destroyed by the junta in the civil war and became unusable, when the civil war ended, new tunnels and bridges were promised, but the economy was never recovered and could never be built.
The largest mountain in Thracistan is Rose Mountain and it is 1215 km high. Thracistan does not have uneven terrain and has flat terrain. Agricultural products can be grown easily with this bout and there is not much problem in terms of transportation and population. The population is sparse in the interior, the people of Thracistan usually live in the coastal areas, there are many huge national parks, this is for the protection of animal species. Thracistan has a tropical climate, all tropical tree species in western and eastern Micras and tea are found in Thracistan, so Thracistan has two more plant species in terms of tropical plant species than any other country with other tropical species.
Fresh water supply is a problem in Thracistan and the problem of drinking is provided by frequent rains, it is difficult to come across a lake in Thracistan. The largest lake in Thracistan is Dolic Lake located on Bahir Island and it is 503 square kilometers in size. The water in Thracistan is very salty.
[[wikipedia:Turkish language|Thraci]] is the first official language of Thracistan, an official or accepted language in many countries. This language belongs to the Thraci-Birgeshir language family. This language has evolved with external factors and Thracistan's often displacement and started to include foreign languages. 65 percent of the country are Thraci people, this language is very common among Thraci people. This language is frequently used in most of Thraistan's paperwork and road signs, especially outside of Kantisha.
The [[wikpedia:Odia language|Kantic]] language is the second language of Thracistan, which is often spoken in [[Kantisha]] and among immigrants who fled due to the civil war. This language belongs to the Indo-European language family and is very close to the Aryasht language, it has a unique alphabet. Thirty percent of Thracistan's population speaks this language frequently, especially in Kantisha. This language is the official language of [[KLF]], which Thracistan has declared a terrorist, and it says "Kantisha" on its flag.
Martino is the third official language of Thracistan, Liberadosan people use it frequently. This language is spoken by two percent of Thracistan frequently. This language began to die rapidly after the collapse of [[Los Liberados]], but it was made the official language for the preservation of the language.
Pacificonian is the fourth most frequently used language of Thracistan, but it is not an official language. About 320,000 people speak this language today, with modern-day Pacificonian people generally clustered on the ancient mainland, mostly [[Moss Side]] (formerly Soa). This language may be one of the most difficult languages ​​to speak, little is known about its language structure.About one percent of Thracistan speaks this language, especially in West Kantisha. About 50,000 people in the area had to withstand KLF pressure, after the 1680s KLF captured most of Kantisha.
Thracistan is highly developed especially in football as a sport. Football is a sport that is played a lot in every region and every ethnicity. Football is a huge crowd every year, so new sports facilities were a must for the nation. The nation has only one football league, the [[Milliy Lig]]. Milliy Lig used to consist of eight teams, later this number of teams was increased to twelve, and later the two teams were transferred to the [[Çakaristan]] leagues. There are currently ten teams in the league and the most popular football clubs are [[DPR]], [[Izmir Altay FK]], [[Petmut FC]] and [[Athletics FC]]. Leagues other than Milliy Lig are amateurs and cannot be promoted to Milliy Lig.

The nation has a population of 1 million and about 900 thousand of them are Turks.
Basketball and Volleyball are equally popular and these sports also have very high ratings. Thracistan is working hard to improve in both sports. Academic schools are focused on both these sports.

The president is [[Alperen Mithat Gazi]] and vice president is [[Mariye Bastlion]].
Thracistan also has an ice hockey team, but it doesn't have that much audience. Thracistan is an average team in ice hockey championships.

== History ==
== Administrative divisions ==
[[File:Thracistan map.png|100px|thumb|left|First claim.]]
[[File:Thracistan maper.png|100px|thumb|left|Second claim.]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center;"
!width=1 |
!width=50 |Flag
!width=50 |Sort name
!width=150 |Official name
!width=150 |Type of subdivision
!width=100 |Ruler
!width=150 |Capital
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Flag of Angora.png|50px|border]] ||align=left| [[Angora]] || || Capital territory || Melike Kılıçova ||
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Inner Thracistan flag.png|50px|border]] ||align=left| Inner Thracistan ||align=left| [[Inner Thracistan]] || Federal district || Yusuf Çamlıca || [[Anzo]]
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Hhoti flag.png|50px|border]] ||align=left| [[Hhoti]] ||align=left| Hhoti Autonomus Territory || Autonomus Territory || Enno Xrotà || [[Tumi]]
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Outer Imabia flag.png|50px|border]] || [[Outer Imabia]] ||align=left| Outer Imabia Autonomous Territory || Autonomus Territory || Ku Hah || [[Komi]]
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Antanyika flag.png|50px|border]] || ||align=left| [[Antanyika]] || Federal district || Alp Elmas || [[Şernek]]
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Milavanda flag.png|50px|border]] ||align=left| [[Milavanda]] ||align=left| Milavanda Federal District || Federal district || Arya Sal || [[İzmir]]
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Malasya symbol.png|50px|border]] ||align=left| [[Malasya]] ||align=left| || Federal District || Su Sarıkaynak || [[Malas]]
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Arzava flag.png|50px|border]] ||align=left| [[Arzava]] ||align=left| || Federal District || Harun Kopçak || [[Amanur]]
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Thracenistan flag.png|50px|border]] ||align=left| [[Thracenistan]] ||align=left| || Federal District || Ufuk Kulen || [[Tarı]]
| style="background:#ffffff" | || [[File:Kars symbol.png|50px|border]] ||align=left| [[Burgaz]] ||align=left| || Federal District || Kemal Çekiçoğlu || [[Varna]]

The nation's first attempted claim was on [[Corum]]. The ruins of Al Qatari were located in the claim. There were to be six cities and there were new city projects planned. The claim was withdrawn after the Thraci alleged that claims in Corum were not recommended.
This attempted claim was on [[Keltia]]. The ruins of Via Laura, Zanzibar and Helatar were to be converted into modern cities, new cities were to be constructed, and railways and roads were to be built. The claim was denied because it was submitted too soon and Thracistan was not deemed active enough.
===Attempt at being a territory of Shireroth===
President Alperen began to look for the nation to be annexed as a territory of an existing nation on Micras through diplomacy on the Discord server. He shortlisted candidates including [[Hoenn]], the [[Florian Republic]] and [[Shireroth]], with Shireroth suggested most suitable due to its multiple islands and discussions were attended. The intended claim included the island of [[shire:So-Sara|So-Sara]] and the building of two new cities. However, international reaction and opinions were taken into account by Alperen, and it was accepted that Thracistan would maintain being an independent nation.

== Government ==
===Ethnic Groups===
Within the borders of Thracistan there are 48 main, 255 tribal ethnicities, the largest of which is the Thraci people at 74%, and the Thracian people usually live in planned cities, but the scattering of villages is increasing. The second largest ethnic group is the Riponian people at 11%, the Riponian people have not had a state for a long time, so they have been somewhat assimilated into Palliscan culture. The third ethnic groups are less than the ratio of these two ethnicities. Other major ethnicities are Krumeren, Horata, Mardian, Gemari, Zghviskhalkhi, Norian and Black Travelers. There are some Borani, they migrated from the Caspian due to internal turmoil.

== Geography ==
There are also peoples who are native to Corum. For example, the Palliscan people are heavily found in western Thrace. They are found around the region of Imabia and the city of Anzo. Less than a thousand Aead people crossed the border and later settled here. Haifans are also a people who have been settled in Corum for a long time.

== Sport ==
There are also non-human primal peoples. For example, the species called Imab-Adred-Nas lives scattered in the future of the nation. They live especially in Outer Imabia and it is strictly forbidden for people to enter the area. Only within the scope of the [[2022 FMFF World Championships]], 7000 people will be admitted and temporary settlements will be created for them. The city of Komi is the capital of Outer Imabia and 75 percent of Imab-Adred-Nas species live in this city. Eleven different Imab species live in the Outer Imabia, the most important minority being the Imab-Adred-Nas-Bajis. Bajis Imabs are also known as Southern Imabs and their skin is red and their antennae on the head resemble rose petals.

Thracistan is the most popular sports association football.Other popular sports are basketball, rugby and wrestling.Thracistan national football league is [[Milliy Lig]].Other national sport league is [[Süperbasketbol]],[[Milly Ragbi]] and [[Güreş Festivali]].
In addition, 255 separate races were detected in the forests of Thracistan. Most of these species are of Lovelian origin and some of them are of Riponian origin. These breeds are strictly protected and access to their territory is limited. Interestingly, shiny black-skinned tribes were also found in the area. It is estimated that these breeds came from Eura millennia ago. The most interesting breed is SaltMiners, a native of Corum.

You looking national teams:

[[Thracistan National Football Team]]

[[Thracistan National Basketball Team]]
==Foreign Relations==

[[Thracistan National Rugby Team]]

Latest revision as of 13:11, 28 September 2022

{{{1}}} This article or section is a work in progress. The information below may be incomplete, outdated, or subject to change.
Trakistan Eyaleti
  State of Thraci Confederation  
State of Thracistan
Trakistan Eyaleti

Thracistan in Thraci Confederation
Nation Thraci Confederation Thraci Confederation
Establish 1670 AN
New lands 1706 AN
Administrtative center Angora
 • Governor Fikret Canıtez
Population (1706 AN)
 • Total 6,000,000
 • Estimate (1680 AN) 5,000,000
Demonym Halimese
 • Ethnic groups
Time zone Central Micras Time (UTC+7)
Postcode 01xxx-10xxx
Area code(s) 001-010
Vehicle registration TR

Thracistan (Thraci: Trakistan) (Kantic: ଥ୍ରାକିସ୍ତାନ) (Martino: Thracistan), or the Republic of Thracistan (Thraci: Trakistan Cumhuriyeti) (Kantic: ଥ୍ରାକିସ୍ତାନ ଗଣତନ୍ତ୍ର) (Martino: República de Thracistan), is an island nation located in Apollonia. It consists of ten main islands, the names of these islands are Bahir, Bunak, Er, Jingeri, Orak, Rabbit, Taşköprü (Stonebridge), Uzunada, Büyükada and Kant. It is an island country and has no land borders with any nation, only Floria as a sea border. The nation had a maritime border with Los Liberados in the past. Thracistan has five major states and 28 counties. The capital of the nation is Kadim, and the largest city is Laman.

The country was an economy that rose until the First Civil War, and the economy could not recover with the civil war. With the Second Civil War, it became more difficult to collect the economy, the country became dependent on other confederations in economy. After the election of the new president in 1696, new reforms were made for the development of the nation, the new constitution became more democratic, the Apollonian Express project will pass from Kantisha, but this project was suspended due to the Second Civil War. Thracistan deals with terrorism, fights the KLF, and the KLF aims for Kantisha's independence. The Second Civil War started in 1678, during the Uras Beyzırgaslan period, Thracistan was like a closed box, so information was always hidden from outside states.


{{{1}}} This article or section is a work in progress. The information below may be incomplete, outdated, or subject to change.

Thracis Arrival on The Island

Alperen Mithat Gazi Era

Civil War

Uras Beyzıgaslan

Second Civil War

Hasan Ladin Era


The name Thraistan dates back to the end of the 1500s. While the Thraci people were an isolated community in Corum, this term was often used for the Thraci countries. The name Thracistan is simply the word of Thraci, which is the name given to the Thraci people, and the suffix -istan, originating from Babkhi, comes, and the suffix -istan means nation.


Thracistan's climate.
  Tropical climate

Thracistan is a country located on the equator and the 0 meridian passes through the nation, therefore the people among themselves are referred to as the Center of Micras to their country. Thracistan has 10 islands and 200 small islets, the largest island is Bahir Island. In Thracistan, transportation is used by road in the main islands and by sea in inter-island travels. There was an 8 km long tunnel between Bahir Island and Bunak Island, bridges were built on Er Island so that uninterrupted inter-island transportation is possible in the nation. But tunnels and bridges were destroyed by the junta in the civil war and became unusable, when the civil war ended, new tunnels and bridges were promised, but the economy was never recovered and could never be built.

The largest mountain in Thracistan is Rose Mountain and it is 1215 km high. Thracistan does not have uneven terrain and has flat terrain. Agricultural products can be grown easily with this bout and there is not much problem in terms of transportation and population. The population is sparse in the interior, the people of Thracistan usually live in the coastal areas, there are many huge national parks, this is for the protection of animal species. Thracistan has a tropical climate, all tropical tree species in western and eastern Micras and tea are found in Thracistan, so Thracistan has two more plant species in terms of tropical plant species than any other country with other tropical species.

Fresh water supply is a problem in Thracistan and the problem of drinking is provided by frequent rains, it is difficult to come across a lake in Thracistan. The largest lake in Thracistan is Dolic Lake located on Bahir Island and it is 503 square kilometers in size. The water in Thracistan is very salty.



Thraci is the first official language of Thracistan, an official or accepted language in many countries. This language belongs to the Thraci-Birgeshir language family. This language has evolved with external factors and Thracistan's often displacement and started to include foreign languages. 65 percent of the country are Thraci people, this language is very common among Thraci people. This language is frequently used in most of Thraistan's paperwork and road signs, especially outside of Kantisha.

The Kantic language is the second language of Thracistan, which is often spoken in Kantisha and among immigrants who fled due to the civil war. This language belongs to the Indo-European language family and is very close to the Aryasht language, it has a unique alphabet. Thirty percent of Thracistan's population speaks this language frequently, especially in Kantisha. This language is the official language of KLF, which Thracistan has declared a terrorist, and it says "Kantisha" on its flag.

Martino is the third official language of Thracistan, Liberadosan people use it frequently. This language is spoken by two percent of Thracistan frequently. This language began to die rapidly after the collapse of Los Liberados, but it was made the official language for the preservation of the language.

Pacificonian is the fourth most frequently used language of Thracistan, but it is not an official language. About 320,000 people speak this language today, with modern-day Pacificonian people generally clustered on the ancient mainland, mostly Moss Side (formerly Soa). This language may be one of the most difficult languages ​​to speak, little is known about its language structure.About one percent of Thracistan speaks this language, especially in West Kantisha. About 50,000 people in the area had to withstand KLF pressure, after the 1680s KLF captured most of Kantisha.




Thracistan is highly developed especially in football as a sport. Football is a sport that is played a lot in every region and every ethnicity. Football is a huge crowd every year, so new sports facilities were a must for the nation. The nation has only one football league, the Milliy Lig. Milliy Lig used to consist of eight teams, later this number of teams was increased to twelve, and later the two teams were transferred to the Çakaristan leagues. There are currently ten teams in the league and the most popular football clubs are DPR, Izmir Altay FK, Petmut FC and Athletics FC. Leagues other than Milliy Lig are amateurs and cannot be promoted to Milliy Lig.

Basketball and Volleyball are equally popular and these sports also have very high ratings. Thracistan is working hard to improve in both sports. Academic schools are focused on both these sports.

Thracistan also has an ice hockey team, but it doesn't have that much audience. Thracistan is an average team in ice hockey championships.

Administrative divisions

{{{1}}} This article or section is a work in progress. The information below may be incomplete, outdated, or subject to change.
Flag Sort name Official name Type of subdivision Ruler Capital
File:Flag of Angora.png Angora Capital territory Melike Kılıçova
File:Inner Thracistan flag.png Inner Thracistan Inner Thracistan Federal district Yusuf Çamlıca Anzo
File:Hhoti flag.png Hhoti Hhoti Autonomus Territory Autonomus Territory Enno Xrotà Tumi
Outer Imabia flag.png Outer Imabia Outer Imabia Autonomous Territory Autonomus Territory Ku Hah Komi
Antanyika flag.png Antanyika Federal district Alp Elmas Şernek
File:Milavanda flag.png Milavanda Milavanda Federal District Federal district Arya Sal İzmir
Malasya symbol.png Malasya Federal District Su Sarıkaynak Malas
Arzava flag.png Arzava Federal District Harun Kopçak Amanur
File:Thracenistan flag.png Thracenistan Federal District Ufuk Kulen Tarı
File:Kars symbol.png Burgaz Federal District Kemal Çekiçoğlu Varna


Ethnic Groups

Within the borders of Thracistan there are 48 main, 255 tribal ethnicities, the largest of which is the Thraci people at 74%, and the Thracian people usually live in planned cities, but the scattering of villages is increasing. The second largest ethnic group is the Riponian people at 11%, the Riponian people have not had a state for a long time, so they have been somewhat assimilated into Palliscan culture. The third ethnic groups are less than the ratio of these two ethnicities. Other major ethnicities are Krumeren, Horata, Mardian, Gemari, Zghviskhalkhi, Norian and Black Travelers. There are some Borani, they migrated from the Caspian due to internal turmoil.

There are also peoples who are native to Corum. For example, the Palliscan people are heavily found in western Thrace. They are found around the region of Imabia and the city of Anzo. Less than a thousand Aead people crossed the border and later settled here. Haifans are also a people who have been settled in Corum for a long time.

There are also non-human primal peoples. For example, the species called Imab-Adred-Nas lives scattered in the future of the nation. They live especially in Outer Imabia and it is strictly forbidden for people to enter the area. Only within the scope of the 2022 FMFF World Championships, 7000 people will be admitted and temporary settlements will be created for them. The city of Komi is the capital of Outer Imabia and 75 percent of Imab-Adred-Nas species live in this city. Eleven different Imab species live in the Outer Imabia, the most important minority being the Imab-Adred-Nas-Bajis. Bajis Imabs are also known as Southern Imabs and their skin is red and their antennae on the head resemble rose petals.

In addition, 255 separate races were detected in the forests of Thracistan. Most of these species are of Lovelian origin and some of them are of Riponian origin. These breeds are strictly protected and access to their territory is limited. Interestingly, shiny black-skinned tribes were also found in the area. It is estimated that these breeds came from Eura millennia ago. The most interesting breed is SaltMiners, a native of Corum.



Foreign Relations