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| [[File:Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers.png|50px|border|Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers]]  || Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers || Located in the lands which lies to the west of the Vëlacío, the Arslahni Horse Ranchers are widely regarded for having domesticated the region's native wild horses. || Misc. ||   
| [[File:Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers.png|50px|border|Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers]]  || Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers || Located in the lands which lies to the west of the Vëlacío, the Arslahni Horse Ranchers are widely regarded for having domesticated the region's native wild horses. || Misc. ||   
| [[File:Pfwlogo.png|50px|border|Port Felix Wool Markets]]  || Port Felix Wool Markets || From the region surrounding the mouth of the River Erik, the woolly giants of Southern [[Eura]] venture annually to the Pallisican '''markets of Port Felix''' in order to sell their valuable furs.  || Misc.  || -
| [[File:MSVlogo.png|50px|border|Merchants of the Southern Vineyards]]  || Merchants of the Southern Vineyards || An ancient guild of central [[Eurani]] wine producers, the Merchants of the Southern Vineyards travel three times a year from the city of [[Raspur]] to sell their wares in the markets controlled by the Pallisican Port Felix Shipping Corporation.    || Food  || -

Revision as of 23:27, 21 June 2020

Established in the early 41.20s PSSC, as part of an extensive re-structuring of the Greater Eurani Trade Association, the Port of Corumia is a Port of Vines-based brokerage which represents all major companies based in the Associate Domain of Euranidom.

Using the Brokerage

Company Descriptions

Agricultural Sector

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Date Established Notes
Vayelon Indigo Export Company Vayelon Indigo Export Company Located in what is perhaps the oldest city in Eastern Eura, the Vayelon Indigo Export Company produces the dyes which are used in the production of the clothes worn by the Crown of Passio-Corum. Misc.
Vineyards of Izaire Vineyards of Izaire The producers of Eura's finest wines, the Vineyards of Izaire have long operated throughout the isles of Krey'Aken. Today the Vineyards operate as part of an agreement with the New Zimian Temple Authority, which controls the islands. Food

Vineyards of Izaire Front Label Vineyards of Izaire Back Label-

Eurani Highland Lettuce Farmers Eurani Highland Lettuce Farmers The Eurani Highland Lettuce Farmers are a community of farmers who specialize in the production of a type of extremely nutritious lettuce which is native to the fertile valleys of the central Duranian Highlands. Food
Cultists of the Peanut Butter Idol The Cultists of the Peanut Butter Idol The Cultists of the Peanut Butter Idol are a highly distinctive community of practitioners of Apollonian Bassaridianism, based in the city of Truva, who worship as part of their core rituals, the Goddess of Peanut Butter, a strange and mysterious figure who according to local tradition is connected to Silenus, the King of Satyrs. As part of their rituals, these cultists are known to consume a special type of peanut butter which causes deep intoxication. Food
Iter Cereal Corporation Iter Cereal Corporation Established by the native peoples of northwestern Eura who were negatively impacted by foreign wars of aggression against the nation of Iteru, the Iter Cereal Corporation specializes in the production and sale of a range of processed cereals. Food
The Saphir Bakery The Saphir Bakery Established in 39.00 PSSC, the Saphir Bakery is a company which specializes in the preparation and sale of various types of Saphir meat, and Saphir meat substitutes. Food
Soil Ranchers Guild Soil Ranchers Guild The Soil Ranchers Guild is a community of ranchers who earn their living in the region lying to the west of Zätosht known as the Plains of the Bull God, a vast tract of grassland which, under the right conditions, floods as many as three times year with a substance discharged from the soil itself, which bears a significant resemblance to cow milk. Those associated with the Soil Ranchers Guild are responsible for maintaining and protecting the soil, and for collecting and selling the "milk" which it produces. Misc.
Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers Located in the lands which lies to the west of the Vëlacío, the Arslahni Horse Ranchers are widely regarded for having domesticated the region's native wild horses. Misc.
Port Felix Wool Markets Port Felix Wool Markets From the region surrounding the mouth of the River Erik, the woolly giants of Southern Eura venture annually to the Pallisican markets of Port Felix in order to sell their valuable furs. Misc. -
Merchants of the Southern Vineyards Merchants of the Southern Vineyards An ancient guild of central Eurani wine producers, the Merchants of the Southern Vineyards travel three times a year from the city of Raspur to sell their wares in the markets controlled by the Pallisican Port Felix Shipping Corporation. Food -

Mining/Energy/Manufacturing Sectors

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Date Established Notes
Salt Mines of Shahzamin Salt Mines of Shahzamin The largest producer of high quality salt in the Micrasian east, the Salt Mines of Shahzamin operates an extensive network of ancient mines to the west of Bandar-e Ebrahim. Food
Eurani Stonecutter's Association Eurani Stonecutter's Association Headquartered in the ancient city of Qomavra in Northern Eura, The Eurani Stonecutters Association' is responsible for the operation of the region's extensive limestone quarries. Misc.
Duranian Metal Collective Duranian Metal Collective The Duranian Metal Collective is responsible for the extraction, refinement, and exportation of lead from central Eura. Misc.
AqabahAccumulatedScrap Aqabah Accumulated Scrap Metal Export Company Established in 39.04 PSSC, the Aqabah Accumulated Scrap Metal Export Company oversees the export of some of the the scrap metal which was accumulated as a result of a Constancian military campaign aimed at de-constructing inactive Bassarid rail ways. Misc.

Service and Other Sectors

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Date Established Notes
Shadow Ports of Ebrahim Shadow Ports of Ebrahim Located on the outskirts of Bandar-e Ebrahim, the Shadow Ports of Ebrahim are the last remaining home ports of Eastern Eura's major pirate communities. Intelligence/Other
Agents of Rey Agents of Rey An order of Zjandarian spies, the Agents of Rey maintain high level connections in virtually all of the world's major nations. Intelligence/Other
Truva Film Studio Truva Film Studio Misc. See List of Titles
Jax Follies' Carriers of Goods Jax Follies' Carriers of Goods The Jax Follies' Carriers of Goods are an extensive community of couriers who help to facilitate the movement of goods around the many islands and coastal communities located in the Harbor of Stars. Intelligence/Other
AltsunAffiliate Altsun Affiliate Originally known as the Aqabah Affiliate, the Altsun Affiliate is a collective of spies and informants who operate across the coastal and island regions of Western Eura in support of the New Zimian War League. Intelligence/Other
AkusuRegionalHighway Akusu Regional Highway Fund The Akusu Regional Highway Fund is responsible for the construction and long-term maintenance of a network of roads and ferries which connects the islands of the Krey'akusu Archipelago to one another, and to the mainland to the north and south of the Gulf of Zinijibar. Sine 38.42 PSSC the Krey'Akusu Regional Highway has been used to bypass Constancian territorial claims in central Eura. Misc. Akusu Regional Highway

Product and Price Listing

Agricultural Sector

Mining/Energy/Manufacturing Sectors

Service and Other Sectors

Investor Rankings

Tier I Investors

Tier II Investors

Tier III Investors

Employment Statistics