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Trade fleets

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The Trade Fleets serve as the chief mechanism for intercontinental trade among the economies of the Raspur Pact member states. These convoys, armed and accompanied by military escorts, provide secure avenues for transnational commerce, bolstering the interconnectedness of the global economy.

Initially organized to counteract the threat of Bassarid piracy during the War of Lost Brothers, the trade fleets have evolved into a cornerstone of international trade within the Raspur Pact. Their formation is a testament to cooperation and collaboration, with the Saint Andre Trading Company taking on the role of assembly, the Honourable Company providing security, and Kerularios & Company supplying the robust bulk-haulers that form the backbone of these fleets. Together, these entities facilitate several annual sailings between the key ports of each continent, enabling regular and reliable exchange of goods across the globe.

Exceptionally large or valuable trade fleets may necessitate an additional layer of protection. In such cases, capital ships from the Maritime Armada, formerly known as the Festival de las Armadas, are deployed to accompany the convoy, bolstering its defences and ensuring the safe transportation of goods.

Trade fleets operating within the Community of Goldfield follow a meticulously coordinated sailing schedule that ensures regular arrival at the ports of the island of Neridia. As a key trade hub, Neridia is home to the Neridian Commodities Exchange, a centralized clearinghouse that handles the materials sourced from various continental resource extraction zones by the Honourable Company. This setup guarantees that resources are appropriately channeled to the corresponding manufacturing units within the Allied Production Matrix, thereby fostering a streamlined supply chain and enhancing overall economic efficiency within the Raspur Pact.


Key routes

Community of Goldfield

See also