Ransenar Royal Decree III
![]() Palace of Termarth | |
Subject | Defense and security |
Decreed by |
Queen Salome I Regent: Ruadh Aldric |
Extent | Kingdom of Ransenar |
Royal Assent | 24.IX.1673 AN |
Commencement | 24.IX.1673 AN |
![]() |
RD-III, or Ransenari Royal Decree III, is the third royal decree issued by the Queen of Ransenar, in 24.IX.1673 AN. It was issued from the Palace of Termarth in Goldfield, Ransenar.
This Royal Decree provides for the organization of the armed forces of the Kingdom of Ransenar.
RD-I was countersigned by the Regent and the Lord High Steward.
Regent and Lord Protector
- Regent Ruadh Aldric
Transitional Government
- Lord Chief Steward Sean O'Callaghan
- Minister of Defense and Security Troy Lyon
WHEREAS We have seen fit to provide assurances and securities to Our Beloved People that they shall live in an independent, free, strong, and self-sufficient Kingdom, free from all foreign oppression and influence;WHEREAS We wish to establish an armed force to defend the People of Ransenar, to preserve the national security, integrity, and independence, and to full reunification of the lands of Ran and Elsenar by any means are determined to be necessary;
LET IT THEREFORE BE KNOWN that We hereby establish the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces, with the following branches:
- The Grand Army of Ransenar;
- The Riverine Forces of Ransenar;
- The Navy of Ransenar;
- The Royal Engineering & Services Support Forces.
LET IT THEREFORE BE KNOWN that We provide for the establishment of the Ransenari military and defense forces as follows:
ARTICLE I. Definitions.
1. “Code of Military Discipline” is the Code of Military Discipline promulgated by the Ministry of Defense or the Lord High Steward through the appropriate constitutional promulgation methods.
2. “Commander in the Ransenari armed forces” means a Ransenari officer appointed from time to time in accordance with this Order to command positions in the armed forces of Ransenar generally.
3. “Defense Areas” are defined as any land, water, or super-adjacent air space contained within the territory of Ransenar, or any building or part of a building or any other building that is reserved or set apart, used or otherwise controlled for defense purposes.
4. “Extremist Organizations or Activities” are organizations or activities that advocate racial, gender, class, or ethnic hatred or intolerance; advocate, create, or engage in illegal discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or regional or national origin; or use, or advocate the use of force or violence or other unlawful means for political purposes, whether internal or international.
5. “Heavy Weapons” are weapons firing ammunition larger than 7.62mm, machine guns, crew-served weapons, anti-tank weapons (such as rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs)), anti-aircraft weapons (to include shoulder fired missiles and AA guns), indirect fire weapons (mortars and artillery pieces), armored vehicles or self-propelled weapons, high explosives and explosive devices (including mines and hand grenades).
6. “Member of the armed forces of Ransenar” means a person serving in any of the branches of the armed forces of Ransenar from the time of attestation until the date of termination of service.
7. "Royal Ransenari Armed Forces", “Armed forces of Ransenar”, "Ransenari military", and "Ransenari armed forces" all mean the military forces of Ransenar organized for the purposes set forth in this Decree including all components of the national armed forces of the Kingdom of Ransenari, specifically including the ground forces recruited, trained, and organized as the first step in the process of creating a military defense force for Ransenar. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, all references to the "Royal Ransenari Armed Forces", “Armed forces of Ransenar”, "Ransenari military", and "Ransenari armed forces" are references to any element of the national defense forces of Ransenar.
8. “Serious Offense” means a criminal offense under the criminal laws of the Kingdom of Ransenar or the Code of Military Discipline that authorizes, in the event of a conviction, confinement for a period in excess of three months as a punishment.
9. “Small Arms” includes shotguns, pistols, and rifles that fire ammunition up to and including 7.62mm.
ARTICLE II. The Mission and Command Structure of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces.
1. The purpose of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces are:
- To preserve the peace, order, integrity, and independence of the Kingdom of Ransenar;
- To defend Ransenar and all its possessions and occupied areas;
- To support the national policies;
- To implement the national objectives and ambitions;
- To overcome any nations responsible for acts of aggression that imperil the peace and security of the Kingdom of Ransenar;
- To secure the permanent territorial unity of Ran and Elsenar.
2. The Royal Ransenari Armed Forces shall be composed of:
- The Grand Army of Ransenar, with its reserves, support staff, and facilities;
- The Riverine Forces of Ransenar, with its reserves, support staff, and facilities;
- The Navy of Ransenar, with its reserves, support staff, and facilities;
- The Royal Engineering & Services Support Forces, with its reserves, support staff, and facilities.
3. The Joint Chiefs of Staff consists of:
- The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
- Chief of Staff of the Grand Army;
- Chief of Staff of the Navy;
- Chief of Staff of the Riverine Forces;
- Chief of Staff of the Engineering & Services Support Forces.
4. The Headquarters of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall be established under the Ministry of Defense and Security in order to direct and supervise the operation units of each service of the armed forces of Ransenar and to carry out joint or allied operations.
5. The organizational structure of the armed forces of Ransenar must yield to the organizational principles of the joint Raspur Pact commands, in order to carry out joint and allied operations with efficiency and effectiveness.
6. The Headquarters for the Grand Army, the Naval Headquarters for the Navy and for the Riverine Forces, the Headquarters for the Engineering & Services Support Forces, shall be established, respectively.
7. One Deputy Chief of Staff and necessary branches of staff shall be established at the headquarters of each service of the armed forces of Ransenar in addition to its Chief of Staff.
8. The Deputy Chief of Staff of each service of the armed forces of Ransenar shall assist the Chief of Staff of the pertinent service of the Armed Forces, and if the Chief of Staff of the pertinent service is unable to perform his or her duties due to any unavoidable reason, the Deputy Chief of Staff shall act on his or her behalf.
9. The organization of the Headquarters of each service of the armed forces of Ransenar, and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Royal Decree or Ordinance from the Steward.
10. When necessary for military purposes, joint units and other agencies may be established under the direction and supervision of the Minister of Defense and Security, as prescribed by Royal Decree or Ordinance from the Steward.
11. The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces shall be the representative body of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces.
12. The Queen of Ransenar, on recommendation and consent of the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security, shall appoint the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
13. The members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall serve at the pleasure of the Queen or until the person resigns.
14. The members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff may resign that office by giving notice in writing to the Queen.
15. The Queen, with the recommendation and consent of the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security, may, in writing, remove a person from office in the Joint Chiefs of Staff if satisfied that:
- they have without reasonable excuse failed, for a continuous period of three months, to carry out his functions as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
- they have without reasonable excuse been absent from three consecutive meetings of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
- they have been convicted (whether before or after his appointment) of a criminal offense;
- they are otherwise unable or unfit to carry out his functions as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
16. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall assist the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security with regard to military commands, and shall direct and supervise, by order of the Lord High Steward, the operation units of each service of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces, the main duty of which is combatting, and shall direct and supervise the joint units established for the purpose of carrying out joint operations provided that in time of peace, prior approval of the Lord High Steward on the military matters of importance shall be obtained.
ARTICLE III. Conduct and Discipline of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces.
1. Members of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces shall comply with the lawful orders of those superior in rank to them, according to regulations and the Code of Military Discipline.
2. Such members shall comply with the lawful orders of those persons who are not members of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces, whether military or civilian, who may be placed in operational command over them from time to time in conjunction with their duties, according to regulations and the Code of Military Discipline.
3. Members of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces are subject to the jurisdiction of the civilian criminal courts in accordance to the laws of the Kingdom of Ransenar, and to the jurisdiction for offenses established under a Code of Military Discipline.
4. The jurisdiction over offenses under the Code of Military Discipline will be as determined by the Royal Decree or Ordinance from the Lord High Steward creating the Code of Military Discipline.
5. In circumstances where both the civil and military authorities have jurisdiction over an offense, the civil authorities will have primary jurisdiction. In all cases, jurisdiction will be exercised, and allocated, as provided for in the Code of Military Discipline and by the Royal Decree or Ordinance from the Lord High Steward.
ARTICLE IV. Terms and Conditions of Service.
1. Administrative Instructions with regard to Terms and Conditions of Service, as may be considered necessary to give effect to the terms of this Royal Decree, may be issued by Royal Decree or Ordinance from the Lord High Steward.
2. The minimum age for enlistment into the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces is 17 years of age.
3. Service in the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces will be voluntary and for a set term of enlistment which shall not be extended except in emergencies as officially declared by Royal Decree or Ordinance from the Lord High Steward.
4. Suitability for service in the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces will be determined on several criteria including, but not limited to:
- demonstrated physical ability;
- demonstrated minimum scholastic aptitude;
- the absence of association with Extremist Organizations or other groups that advocate the end or destruction of the Kingdom of Ransenar, or any objectionable beliefs that threaten the security and order of the Kingdom.
5. No qualified person will be denied the opportunity to serve on the basis of gender, race, ethnic or regional origin, religion, creed, sexual orientation or gender identity, or tribal affiliation.
6. Prior military service is not required, but persons with military experience will be eligible to join the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces, subject to meeting the applicable standards.
7. The standards established for suitability of service in the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces must coincide and harmonize with established and demonstrated practices of the Raspur Pact, provided that they do not directly or indirectly threaten the ability of the Kingdom of Ransenar to defend itself.
ARTICLE V. The Defense Naval Areas to Be Protected.
1. With respect to the sea area or riverine area, both called naval area(s) henceforth, that requires military defense, the Queen may, in wartime, national emergency, and when deemed especially necessary for military purposes, designate all or part of the territorial waters as a defensive sea area or alter the designation after undergoing deliberations by the Cabinet and obtaining the consent of the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security.
2. The Queen shall, when a defensive naval area becomes unnecessary for military purposes, cancel the designation of the defensive sea area after undergoing deliberations by the Cabinet and obtaining the consent of the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security.
3. Where the Queen designates, alters, or cancels a defensive naval area under this Section, the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security shall announce it without delay.
4. Where the Queen may not be able to wait until the designation of a defensive naval area on emergency grounds in military operations for irregular operations, surface combat, anti-amphibious operations, etc., the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of the Naval Operations Command, or fleet commanders may temporarily designate such defensive naval area and announce it.
5. Any person who temporarily designates a defensive naval area shall, without delay, obtain approval from the Queen via the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security.
6. Where the Queen intends to grant approval pursuant to this Section, he or she shall undergo deliberations by the Cabinet and obtain final approval from the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security.
7. In cases where approval fails to be obtained, the designation of the defensive naval area becomes ineffective therefrom, and the Lord High Steward and the Minister of Defense and Security shall announce it without delay.
8. Any ship that intends to enter and navigate a defensive naval area designated under this Order (hereinafter referred to as "defensive naval area") shall obtain permission from the Commander of the Naval Operations Command or fleet commanders (hereinafter referred to as "jurisdictional controller").
9. All ships within a defensive naval area shall observe any order issued, as deemed necessary for military operations by the jurisdictional controller with respect to any of the following matters:
- Horn, flag hoist, flashing light, lighting, wireless radio and other matters regarding signals and communications of ships;
- Departing, floating, mooring, changing of course and other matters regarding the navigation of ships.
10. The jurisdictional controller may, where deemed necessary for military operations, limit or prohibit any action that falls under each of the following:
- Excavation of the sea or riverine shore;
- Reclamation or dredging of the sea or riverine area;
- Installation or alteration of facilities;
- Maritime transportation;
- Fishing and picking of algae;
- Installation or alteration of buoys, beacons, and other marks;
- Shooting of various guns or blasting of explosives;
- Picking of minerals, earth and stones, or earth and sands;
- Finding of drifting materials or sunken materials;
- Any, all, and other actions that are feared to seriously obstruct the execution of military operations.
11. The jurisdictional controller shall, where he or she intends to limit or prohibit the actions stipulated under this Article, it shall announce such fact. In such cases, the jurisdictional controller shall announce such fact with concrete specifications.
12. The jurisdictional controller may order or enforce a person or ship under any of the following cases to leave from a defensive sea area or may order them to take measures necessary for the restoration of the site, such as removal of facilities:
- Any ship which enters or navigates a defensive naval area without obtaining permission;
- Any ship which fails to observe an order under the relevant provisions of this Article;
- A person who conducts the actions limited or prohibited under the relevant provisions of this Article without obtaining proper permissions.
13. The jurisdictional controller may, where warships or non-commercial government ships of foreign countries violate this Decree, request their corrections or evictions from the defensive naval area.
ARTICLE VI. Royal Military College.
1. The Royal Military College of the Kingdom of Ransenar (henceforth referred to as "the Royal Military College" shall be established under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense and Security. It shall promote the education, research, analysis, and development of sciences on national security policies and national defense management, educate and train the officers and staff of the Royal Ransenari Armed Forces, and train professional human resources to take charge of affairs related to national security and defense.
2. The Royal Military College shall consist of the National Security Graduate School, the National Defense Management Graduate School, the Department of Military Engineering, the School of Counterterrorism, the School of Military Public Relations, the School of Military Support Services, the School of Naval and Riverine Defense, and the Department of Job Training.
3. The Royal Military College shall establish, within it, the Faculty Board and other necessary divisions.
4. Matters necessary for the organization, missions, operation, etc. of each Graduate School, Department , the Faculty Board, etc. referred to in this Article shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Lord High Steward.
5. The Royal Military College shall establish basic non-degree courses (hereinafter referred to as "basic courses") and degree courses for a degree (hereinafter referred to as "degree courses") and may also establish special courses if deemed necessary by the Minister of Defense and Security.
6. The number of years required to graduate from a basic course shall be one year, and the number of years required to graduate from a degree course shall be prescribed by the Minister of Defense and Security, while the number of years required for graduation from a special course shall be determined by the Lord High Steward.
7. Matters necessary for the operation of basic courses and degree courses and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by presidential order.
8. The Royal Military College shall have one president and one vice president, and each Graduate School and Department shall be headed by one dean, and the Faculty Board by one dean.
9. The Royal Military College shall have professors, associate professors, assistant professors (hereinafter referred to as "professors, etc."), and other public officials as necessary.
10. The Royal Military College may charge tuition fees and other charges to executive officers or employees of institutions or organizations prescribed by Ordinance of the Lord High Steward, who enter the Royal Military College.
11. Matters necessary regarding the tuition fees and other charges shall be prescribed by Ministerial Directive of the Minister of Defense and Security.
Given at Termarth Palace this 24th day of the IXth month of the year 1673 AN.
See Also
- Ransenar
- Provisional Government of the Kingdom of Ransenar
- Grand Army of Ransenar
- Riverine Forces of Ransenar
- Navy of Ransenar
Preceded by: RD-II |
Royal Decrees of the Kingdom of Ransenar Series 1 |
Succeeded by RD-IV |