Paramilitary of Goëtia
The paramilitary forces of the Community of Goëtia are primarily an ad hoc arrangement of cycle families for defense, nomadic families for expeditions, and seafaring families for naval missions. Goetia's paramilitary forces have very little projection, and rely on defending their coastal waters, family compounds, and keeping foreigners out of their uninhabited Wildlands.
Family Guards
Each cycle family appoints a number of its members to serve as guards to patrol the turf in the immediate vicinity of the family compound and out into the Wildlands. Every member of the nomadic families that patrol the runs between family compounds are armed with hand guns, hunting knives, and semi-automatic rifles.
Gorillas NF
The Gorillas NF is a special nomadic family created by the Conference of Cycle Families to pursue and execute Kizzy Drakland. Once that mission was completed, the Conference has expanded its mission to more broadly protect the Community from threats abroad. It is undergoing a rapid modernization process overseen by consultants from the Raspur Pact.
Troglonauts of Cibola
The Troglonauts of Cibola were founded to become Goetia's de facto coast guard. They are founding members of the Northern Coordinating Council and have a special relationship with the Navigators CF to use their port facilities in the south.