Orders of DICTAT
The following is a list of the more prominent orders issued by the Domestic Integration Council for Tribloom and Toastytop (DICTAT), the de facto executive of Northbloom and the Kalgachi lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis.
Date | Decree Title | Text |
1735 AN | Enforcement of the Oktavyan Code within Tribloom and Toastytop | WHEREAS the ongoing state of conflict on the continent of Benacia necessitates certain adjustments to the national law of the Garden within the Lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity, and Katarsis, 1. THE DOMESTIC INTEGRATION COUNCIL FOR TRIBLOOM AND TOASTYTOP by This Order temporarily suspends observance of the following articles of the Oktavyan Code within those territies under its purview: a) Chapter 3 Article 4.2, b) Chapter 4 Article 1.2, c) Chapter 4 Article 4.3.
1735 AN | Food Security within Tribloom and Toastytop | WHEREAS local food security remains a paramount concern in view of the ongoing conflict on Benacia, 1. THE DOMESTIC INTEGRATION COUNCIL FOR TRIBLOOM AND TOASTYTOP by This Order suspends all restrictions upon the export and import of food between the Lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis, and the Principality of Northbloom. 2. The export and import of food between the territories within the purview of this Council and those other polities within the purview of the Council of Perfecti is permitted at an annual rate not exceeding, by deficit or surplus, twenty percent of the preceding year's non-sequestered food production in the Tribloom and Toastytop Region by caloric value.
1735 AN | Extension of Perimeter | WHEREAS securing the populace against atomic immolation and other kinetic bombardment is a matter of paramount concern, 1. THE DOMESTIC INTEGRATION COUNCIL FOR TRIBLOOM AND TOASTYTOP by This Order directs the Tribloom Defence Force to study the feasibility of extending the Perimeter System to cover the principle population centres of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis. 2. Ermingander Village University and the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning for Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis are directed to provide the necessary technical, financial and logistical support for the aforementioned study.
1736 AN | Holy Synod of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis | WHEREAS the spiritual welfare of the wider populace is of grave importance if the Wastes of Irredeemable Corruption are to be resisted, 1. THE DOMESTIC INTEGRATION COUNCIL FOR TRIBLOOM AND TOASTYTOP by This Order directs the Resectors of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis to gather in council, under the name of the Holy Synod of the Church of Kalgachia within Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis. 2. The Holy Synod of the Church of Kalgachia within Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis shall exercise full responsibility for all matters pertaining to the functioning of the Church of Kalgachia within the the Lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis. 3. The Holy Synod of the Church of Kalgachia within Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis shall nominate one of their number to represent the synod upon the Domestic Integration Council for Tribloom and Toastytop.
1736 AN | Emergency Measures | WHEREAS a conspiracy within the very deepest strata of the state threatens the security of the Garden, AND WHEREAS the corrupted power centres responsible for this infraction have suborned the Prefects of the Garden to their nefarious cause, AND WHEREAS the excision of this pestilence requires corrective action of the utmost resolve, 1. THE DOMESTIC INTEGRATION COUNCIL FOR TRIBLOOM AND TOASTYTOP by This Order suspends all operations by the Prefects of the Garden within the Lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis. 2. All Prefects of the Garden operating within the Lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis are to be subject to a special inquisition in relation to the precipitating events of This Order. 3. The Tribloom Defence Force is instructed to immediately detain all Prefects of the Garden within the Lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis. 4. The Tribloom Defence Force is further instructed to secure the territories within the purview of this Council against future infiltration by agents of corruption.
1737 AN | Mondo as Salvator | WHEREAS Mondo Etzeterra, Prince of Northern Highbloom, has been acclaimed a Salvator of the Garden by the Holy Synod of the Church of Kalgachia within Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis, 1. THE DOMESTIC INTEGRATION COUNCIL FOR TRIBLOOM AND TOASTYTOP by This Order confirms the pronouncement of the said Holy Synod and declares that Mondo Etzeterra, Prince of Northern Highbloom, is henceforth to be considered a Salvator of the Garden, canonical to the scriptures of established Ketherism, for his long defence of the Garden Ketheric against the Wastes of Irredeemable Corruption. His liturgical invocation shall be performed by the consumption of cake by the faithful.
1737 AN | Release of Uncorrupted Prefects | WHEREAS the Special Inquisition has submitted its initial findings with regard to the recent outbreak of corruption among the Prefects of the Garden, 1. THE DOMESTIC INTEGRATION COUNCIL FOR TRIBLOOM AND TOASTYTOP by This Order directs as follows: a) All Prefects of the Garden deemed to be free of corruption by the Special Inquisition are to be released immediately. b) Those Prefects released in accordance with this order, and who are native to or ordinarily resident within the Lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis, are to be reinstated in their duties with immediate effect. c) Those Prefects reinstated in accordance with this order shall henceforth operate under the direction of the Tribloom Defence Force. d) Those Prefects released in accordance with this order, and who are not native to or ordinarily resident within the Lieutenancies of Abrek, Jollity and Katarsis, are to be deported from the territories within the purview of this Council. e) All Prefects released in accordance with this order shall receive appropriate compensation for time spent in detention.