National Unity Party
National Unity Party | |
![]() | |
Leader | Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz |
Secretary | |
Founded | |
Headquarters | Zalae |
Political ideology | Moderate |
Political position | Centrist |
Colours | Blue, Gold |
The National Unity Party was a centrist, moderate political party in the Kingdom of the Union of Caputia.
It was the governing party in the Kingdom of the Union of Caputia during the Seydlitz Ministry.
First Party Congress
First Party Congress took place at Zalae, 10.XIV.1655, 10:00 am - 12:56 pm. 128 MPs and 108 Party members representing their party units were present. Called to order at 10:00 a.m. by the Lord Great Chamberlain and Minister of Reconstruction and Infrastructure Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz, of Gotfriedplatz, Isles of Caputia. Minister Seydlitz was elected interim Party Secretary. On motion, duly seconded, Carrie Fitzwater, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Second Lord of Her Majesty's Treasury and Lord Privy Seal, was nominated to the position of interim Party Chairman, pending acceptance.
Elected to the National Executive Committee:
Rt. Hon. Carrie Fitzwater, PC, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Second Lord of Her Majesty's Treasury and Lord Privy Seal Rt. Hon. Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz, PC, Lord Great Chamberlain and Minister of Reconstruction and Infrastructure
On motion, duly seconded, 10 Members of Parliament belonging to the National Unity Party were elected to the Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee.
On motion, duly seconded, the members of the National Executive Committee and Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee were elected to the Policy and Advocacy Committee.
On motion, duly seconded, 5 Members of Parliament belonging to the National Unity Party were elected to the Membership Development Committee.
On motion, duly seconded, the members of the National Executive Committee, Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee, and Membership Development Committee were elected to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
On motion, duly seconded, 5 Members of Parliament belonging to the National Unity Party were elected to the International Parliamentary Relations Committee. Adjourned thereafter.
Second Party Congress
Second Party Congress took place at Zalae, 12.I.1657. Party Constitution ratified.
Third Party Congress
Third Party Congress took place at Zalae, 24.XI.1659. 128 MPs and all 10 State Party Council Convenors are present. Party Leader Fitzwater endorses Party Secretary Seydlitz as next Party Leader. Elected accordingly by acclamation.
Background on the Party Constitution
The Party Constitution governs the affairs of the National Unity Party.
The Party Constitution was authored by a Constitution and By-Laws Committee created by the First National Unity Party Congress. By resolution of the same Congress, the Constitution and By-Laws Committee was composed of the members of the National Executive Committee, the Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee, and the Membership Development Committee.
After having been duly approved by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, the Party Constitution was duly ratified by the Second National Unity Party Congress, at which time it took effect, on 12.I.1657.
The Party Constitution
We, Her Caputian Majesty's Loyal and Patriotic subjects, gathered in a political union to promote the general welfare of the Caputian people, do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
Article I. Name. The name of this political union shall be the National Unity Party.
Article II. Motto. The motto of this political union is Viribus Unitis, "With United Forces"
Article III. Slogan. The slogan of this political union is "We are united!"
Article IV. Function and objectives. The function and objectives of the National Unity Party are:
a. to promote the culture of polite civil discourse on issues of the day, and the promotion of principled consensus b. to promote civic volunteerism, and active, sustainable, and committed civic engagement within local, provincial, state and national communities c. to better our communities and to promote the greater good of the community and the nation d. to support and defend the Constitution of the Kingdom and the inalienability of civil liberties e. to endorse candidates for the Parliament of the Kingdom and for other elective or appointive office who are aligned with the principles, advocacies, and objectives of the National Unity Party
Article V. Membership.
a. Any adult Caputian subject not otherwise serving judicial sentence is eligible for membership. Membership is completed upon enrollment in the National Membership Register by the Party Leader or the Party Secretary.
b. A party member may be expelled for cause by a majority vote of the Party Congress, or for disloyalty to the party, by a three-fourths majority of all the members of the National Executive Committee.
c. A party member may resign membership by written instrument addressed to the Party Leader or the Party Secretary.
Article VI. Party Officers and Party Committees.
a. The Party Leader or Party Chairman is the public face and chief executive of the Party, who is elected at the Party Congress and serves at the pleasure of the Party Congress. A Party Chairman Emeritus may also be elected by the Party Congress.
b. The Party Secretary is the chief administrative officer of the Party, who is appointed by the Party Leader or Party Chairman, and serves at their pleasure. The Party Secretary shall ensure the compliance of the Party with all relevant laws. The Party Secretary may appoint a responsible party member to the post of Party Treasurer, to have stewardship over Party funds, and periodically account for the same to the National Executive Committee and to the Party Congress.
c. The National Executive Committee is the premier decision-maker on day-to-day concerns of the Party. It is composed of the Party Leader, the Party Secretary, and no more than ten (10) party members, as the Party Congress may elect. The Party Leader may likewise appoint no more than three (3) party members to the National Executive Committee. Party members elected to the National Executive Committee serve at the pleasure of the Party Congress, while party members appointed by the Party Leader to the National Executive Committee serve at the pleasure of the Party Leader.
d. The Parliamentary Caucus is composed of all party members elected to the Parliamen. They remain as members of the Parliamentary Caucus even after the dissolution of Parliament, until such time that a new Parliament has convened.
e. The Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee is composed of no more than fifteen (15) members elected by the Parliamentary Caucus from among themselves, who serve in the Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee for the duration of the Parliament and even after dissolution of the Parliament, until such time that a new Parliament has convened. In the event that the Parliamentary Caucus shall have fifteen members or less, all of them shall be deemed automatically elected to the Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee. The Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee shall elect a Chairman, Secretary, and such Vice Chairmen as it may require, who serve at the pleasure of the Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee. The Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee may, by resolution, constitute such other subcommittees as it may require.
f. There shall be such other committees as the Party Leader may appoint, or as the Party Congress may elect.
Article VII. Party Congress.
a. The Party Congress is the entirety of the registered membership of the National Unity Party. Should the registered membership of the Party exceed one hundred (100) members, as certified by the Party Secretary, the Party Congress shall be constituted in accordance with the remainder of this Article.
b. The Party Chairman Emeritus, Party Leader, Party Secretary, and members of the National Executive Committee are members of the Party Congress.
c. All members of the Parliamentary Caucus are members of the Party Congress.
d. All party members who are Ministers of Her Majesty's Government are members of the Party Congress.
e. All State Party Council Convenors are members of the Party Congress.
f. The Party Congress is convened by call of the Party Leader, the Party Secretary, by resolution of the National Executive Committee, by resolution of the Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee, by call of a State Party Council Convenor, or by public petition of at least three members of the Party Congress.
Article VIII. Local Party Chapters.
a. All party members resident in a town or city are members of their Town or City Chapter.
b. Town and City Chapters of the Party shall elect a Town or City Party Convenor, who serves at the pleasure of the Town or City Chapter members. All Town and City Party Convenors are all members of the State Party Council, which elects a State Party Council Convenor, who serves at the pleasure of the State Party Council.
c. Town and City Chapters of the Party, as well as State Party Councils, may elect such other officers and committees as they may require, under such by-laws as a majority of their membership shall promulgate.
Article IX. Effectivity and Amendment
a. This Constitution shall take effect upon approval by a simple majority of all members of a Party Congress.
b. This Constitution shall be amended by resolution of the National Executive Committee and ratification of a simple majority of all members of a Party Congress.
Party Structure
Party Congress
The Party Congress represents the entirety of the membership of the National Unity Party. In accordance with the Party Constitution, it is convened by call of the Party Leader, the Party Secretary, by resolution of the National Executive Committee, by resolution of the Parliamentary Caucus Executive Committee, by call of a State Party Council Convenor, or by public petition of at least three members of the Party Congress.
National Executive Committee
The National Executive Committee is the premier decision-maker on day-to-day concerns of the Party. It is composed of the Party Leader, the Party Secretary, and no more than ten (10) party members, as the Party Congress may elect. The Party Leader may likewise appoint no more than three (3) party members to the National Executive Committee. Party members elected to the National Executive Committee serve at the pleasure of the Party Congress, while party members appointed by the Party Leader to the National Executive Committee serve at the pleasure of the Party Leader.
Party Officers
The Party Leader or Party Chairman is the public face and chief executive of the Party, who is elected at the Party Congress and serves at the pleasure of the Party Congress. A Party Chairman Emeritus may also be elected by the Party Congress.
The Party Secretary is the chief administrative officer of the Party, who is appointed by the Party Leader or Party Chairman, and serves at their pleasure. The Party Secretary shall ensure the compliance of the Party with all relevant laws. The Party Secretary may appoint a responsible party member to the post of Party Treasurer, to have stewardship over Party funds, and periodically account for the same to the National Executive Committee and to the Party Congress
Local Organization
All party members resident in a town or city are members of their Town or City Chapter.
Town and City Chapters of the Party shall elect a Town or City Party Convenor, who serves at the pleasure of the Town or City Chapter members. All Town and City Party Convenors are all members of the State Party Council, which elects a State Party Council Convenor, who serves at the pleasure of the State Party Council.
Town and City Chapters of the Party, as well as State Party Councils, may elect such other officers and committees as they may require, under such by-laws as a majority of their membership shall promulgate.
Any adult Caputian subject not otherwise serving judicial sentence is eligible for membership. Membership is completed upon enrollment in the National Membership Register by the Party Leader or the Party Secretary.
A party member may be expelled for cause by a majority vote of the Party Congress, or for disloyalty to the party, by a three-fourths majority of all the members of the National Executive Committee.
A party member may resign membership by written instrument addressed to the Party Leader or the Party Secretary.