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Kriegsflotte Ludwigshafen

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The Kriegsflotte Ludwigshafen is the naval branch of the armed forces of the Republic of Sankt Ludwighafen. As a separate military branch it was only founded in XIV.1716 when the republic first attempted to project its power overseas with the establishment of Nordhafen. The home port of the Kriegsflotte Ludwigshafen is Altdorf.


Name Shipyard Type Service
RSLS Siegfried von der Elfenbeinküste Altdorf Schiffbau Mehrzweckzerstörer I.Gen (destroyer) 1718
RSLS Claudia Weißdeich Altdorf Schiffbau Mehrzweckzerstörer I.Gen (destroyer) 1720
RSLS Rosa Walburg Altdorf Schiffbau Kampffrachtschiff I.Gen (armed transport) 1722 (expected)