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Built from the ruins of the once capital of Zandarijn, Hermannsplatz is slowly growing to a regional economic center.

Founded in 1725 AN by the United Principalities of Cibola, Hermannsplatz is a small village and locality which primarily serves as an outpost station for the Weisenburger Kriegstruppen. It is named after Kriegstruppen Hauptmann Hermann Seck, who died during the first military expedition to the city when a Cossack band[1] ambushed his squad.

The village was built on top of the ruins of the city of Hamstadt, the former capital of Zandarijn. Left in a ruinous state after the 1699 sacking of the city and the collapse of Lanzerwald, laborers from the Nationalerarbeitsdienst worked to clear the ruins. Although original plans for the area detailed the construction of an extensive military complex and frontier waystation (codenamed Westerfestung) , these plans were abandoned as the cost of the project were said to be unrealistic for the young nation's economic situation (projections stated that the project would not be completed until sometime in the mid-1740 ANs). Thus, some of the most experienced planners came together and began planning the construction of what they called the "Neuesstadt Hermannsplatz".

Very few historic buildings survived the destruction of the old city and the subsequent cleanup operations. The bomb-ravaged ruins of the ZandArena, once upon a time the host of the 2013 FMF World Cup Final, was pulled down with its grounds being replanted with trees and other foliage. The old city hall also remained in a semi-ruinous state, serving as an artillery storage depot for a short period before being restored. It currently serves as the headquarters for the locality's Chamber of Commerce (Handelskammer)

Although still called Hamstadt by some of the locals who remained through the destruction of the original city, it has become the United Principalities' foremost Modellstadt, or Model Town. A new cultural identity has began to be fostered, with many young families moving to the area to seeking a picturesque lifestyle in the countryside.

Military Presence

The village serves as a staging ground for Kriegstruppen operations in the southwest of the UPC. The 3rd Infantry Division (nicknamed "Sensenmannen") is also headquartered just outside the town in the village of Blumenfeld.


  1. ^ Attributed by sources within the government of the neighbouring Principality of Whales to rogue cossacks, engaged in an unsanctioned razzia.