Gioventù Democratica

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Gioventù Democratica
Abbreviation GD
President Ettore Musa
Spokesperson Nino Manfredi
Founded 1707 AN
Headquarters Cossa, Republic of Vegno
Ideology Social Liberalism, Liberalism, Environmentalism, Feminism, Pacifism

The Gioventù Democratica (Istvanistani: Democratic Youth) is the youth wing of the Partito Democratico Costituzionale (PDC) of Vegno.


The Gioventù Democratica involves young people in the PDC and ensures that the aspirations of young people are reflected in the political program of the national party. Gioventù Democratica members are able to get involved in the PDC through local policy events, campaigning or by attending events and social gatherings. The GD holds a range of additional national events, including fringe sessions at the PDC's annual conference.