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Fatima Al-Khamenei

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Who's Who of Oportia
Fatima Al-Khamenei
Fatima Al-Khamenei.png
Photo of Fatima Al-Khamenei
Fatima Al-Khamenei
Birth Date 22.V.1688 AN (54 AN years)
Birth Place Ganzak-Gor, Ḡur Ostan (Zeed Zeed)
Occupation Politician
Residence Zoghâllab arrondissement, Vanie
Political Affiliation Nationalist & Humanist Party of Oportia (N&H)

Fatima Al-Khamenei, archon of the Nationalist & Humanist Party of Oportia, a national sector party of the Humanist Movement. Stood as candidate for Federal Representative of Oportia in the general elections of 1726 AN and 1730 AN. Stood on a platform promoting traditional Babkhan values and fiscal conservatism, whilst staunchly defending the Raspur Pact and the Harmonious Society of Humanism.


Early life and education


Political activities

Honours and Awards